May 31, 2024  
2023-2024 Course Catalog 
2023-2024 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PRTE 1055 - Upper Extremity Prosthetic Fabrication

Credits: 4
Hours/Week: Lecture 1 Lab 6
Internship hours per week 0
Course Description: This course covers anatomy of upper extremity amputations, the prosthetic measurement chart, and design principles for these amputation levels.  Course topics include upper extremity anatomy, prescription criteria, and upper extremity prosthetic components. Lab activities include model creation, diagnostic sockets, alignment, and lamination of an upper limb prosthesis.
MnTC Goals

Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent
Corequisite(s): None
Recommendation: None

Major Content
  1. Anatomy
    1. upper limb skeletal landmarks
    2. Anatomical impact of upper limb amputation
    3. Congenital limb difference
    4. Biomechanics
  2. Safety
  3. Initiate the treatment plan: upper extremity prostheses
    1. Patient information
    2. Component selection
    3. Suspension
  4. Implement treatment plan: transradial prostheses
    1. Fabrication procedures, diagnostic socket
    2. Fabrication procedures, alignment
    3. Fabrication procedures, lamination
    4. Fabrication procedures, finish and assemble

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. determine fabrication criteria from prosthetist instructions.  (C.3.1)                        
  2. identify properties of materials used in orthotic straps and closures.  (C.1.5, B.2)
  3. communicate using medical terminology.   (C.1.4)
  4. practice sound judgement regarding safety of self and others.  (A.1.2)
  5. demonstrate safe and appropriate use of tools.  (C.1.7, C.4.0, C.4.1)
  6. demonstrate safe and appropriate use of equipment.  (C.1.7, C.4.0, C.4.1)
  7. adhere to safety procedures and practices throughout the fabrication process.  (A.1.2, C.4.0, C.4.1)
  8. implement a prosthetic treatment plan.  (C.4.0)
  9. initiate a treatment plan under direction of a prosthetic professional.  (C.2.0)
  10. review physical assessment information in treatment plan.  (C.2.1)
  11. confirm physical assessment data is adequate to implement treatment plan. (C.2.2)
  12. determine fabrication and technical criteria from treatment plan.  (C.2.1, C.3.1)
  13. select components based on work order.  (ABC, C.8.6.1.c)
  14. prepare negative molds/ impressions.  (ABC)
  15. fill negative molds/impressions.  (ABC)
  16. complete positive model rectification, category I and II. (ABC, C.8.5.5.d)
  17. prepare positive models for transradial prosthetic fabrication.  (ABC)
  18. implement prosthetic treatment plan. (C.4.0)
  19. interpret prosthetic measurement chart. (C.2.1-4)
  20. fabricate diagnostic sockets.
  21. vacuum form transradial diagnostic sockets.
  22. identify anatomy and amputation levels of the upper limb amputee. (C.1.4)
  23. describe the designs and principles of transradial prosthetic design. (C.8.6.1.a.1-6)
  24. align transradial prosthesis. (C.8.6.1.e)
  25. verify function of prosthesis in all planes of motion. (C.3.2)

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC): Goals and Competencies
Competency Goals (MnTC Goals 1-6)
Theme Goals (MnTC Goals 7-10)

Courses and Registration

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