Feb 06, 2025
WLDG 1001 - Introduction to Oxyacetylene Welding Credits: 2 Hours/Week: Lecture None Lab None Course Description: In this course, students will identify personal safety rules, demonstrate shop equipment procedures, and focus on developing welding skills with sheet metal in the flat position with the oxyacetylene process. Students will use oxyacetylene and plasma cutting equipment on plate and sheet metal. Students must be able to perform physical tasks in order to complete course requirements. MnTC Goals None
Prerequisite(s): None Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: None
Major Content
- Inspecting welds
- Metal preparation for welding
- Perform cuts using oxyacetylene equipment
- Perform cuts using plasma cutting equipment
- Personal safety procedures
- Set-up and take down procedures of oxyacetylene equipment
- Shop and equipment safety rules and procedures
- Weld in sheet metal in flat position with filler rod
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- identify shop equipment and personal safety procedures.
- identify parts and accessories of oxyacetylene equipment.
- describe safety precautions when using oxyacetylene equipment.
- identify joint designs used in welding.
- identify welding terminology
- identify filler rods.
- identify preparation of sheet and plate metal for welding.
- demonstrate proper set-up and take down procedures of oxyacetylene equipment.
- adjust regulators and light torch to proper flame
- carry a puddle without filler rod.
- demonstrate proper use of shop equipment.
- describe gas cutting methods.
- describe oxyacetylene welding methods.
- identify gas cutting safety procedures.
- identify plasma cutting safety procedures
- inspect welds for grading.
- perform butt, lap, corner, and tee welds on sheet metal using filler rod in the flat position using oxyacetylene equipment.
- perform plasma cutting in the flat position.
- perform straight, circle, and piercing cuts using oxyacetylene equipment.
- select and carry a puddle with filler rod.
- select tools, tips.
Competency 1 (1-6) None Competency 2 (7-10) None Courses and Registration
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