Feb 07, 2025  
2022-2023 Course Catalog 
2022-2023 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ENGL 0950 - English Express - Accelerated Academic Writing Instruction

Credits: 4
Hours/Week: Lecture 4 Lab None
Course Description: This course provides instruction to help the student succeed in college-level Composition I, focusing especially on reading strategies for the purpose of development, organization, clarity, unity, and coherence in writing. Students practice writing as a process; thinking critically about language, especially sentences, in context; and generating documents that are understandable for audiences, including how to identify and correct common errors. Emphasis is placed on the skills needed to achieve the Composition I goals. Students placed into ENGL 0950 can also complete Composition I in the same semester. All students registered for ENGL 0950 must be concurrently enrolled in a paired section of ENGL 1020 . ENGL 1020 is equivalent to ENGL 1021 , Composition I. All students registered for ENGL 0950 must also have completed or be registered for STSC 1021  .
MnTC Goals

Prerequisite(s): Course placement into ENGL 0950 OR completion of RDNG 0940  with a grade of C or higher OR completion of RDNG 0940  with a grade of C or higher OR course placement into ESOL 1033  or completion of ESOL 0043  with a grade of C or higher and completion of ESOL 0051  with a grade of C or higher and ESOL 0052  with a grade of C or higher.
Corequisite(s): ENGL 1020
Recommendation: Word processing proficiency and basic computer skills.

Major Content
1. Support for ENGL 1020/1021 writing assignments

  1. Using text-processing strategies to analyze complex texts
  2. Analyzing assignments
  3. Contrasting oral culture and academic discourse
  4. Using strategies for completing assignments
  5. Addressing individual literacy challenges
  6. Fulfilling responsibilities of an academic reader
  7. Fulfilling responsibilities of an academic writer

2. Engagement with college-level texts

  1. Reading strategies for notetaking and annotating
  2. Reading as a writer
  3. Writing as a reader
  4. Writing in response

3. Essays within academic discourse

  1. Creating focused and well-organized essays
  2. Developing valid and credible arguments in essays
  3. Using diverse syntax and diction appropriate for academic discourse

4. Integration of source material

  1. Navigating print culture to find, understand, and use information
  2. Using quotation, summary, and paraphrases
  3. Creating In-text citations and bibliographies

5. Success Strategies

  1. Addressing individual academic challenges
  2. Using support such as Writing Center, ESOL Center, Reading and Student Success Center, tutors, office hours, counseling/advising
  3. Developing effective academic habits

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:

  1. write clear, correct, effective, and varied sentences in paragraphs and essays.
  2. employ proofreading skills to identify and correct distracting sentence-level and word-level errors in their own writing.
  3. develop organized coherent and unified paragraphs in the context of essays.
  4. suggest revision strategies to address obvious content problems in a draft.
  5. write in response to college-level texts without plagiarism or excessive quotation.
  6. reflect critically on personal development of writing and editing skills.
  7. analyze college-level writing assignments.
  8. execute strategies for completing college-level assignments.
  9. evaluate arguments for validity and credibility.
  10. use reading strategies to facilitate understanding of texts.
  11. read actively and critically.
  12. explain abstract ideas found in complex texts.
  13. analyze abstract ideas found in complex texts.

Competency 1 (1-6)
Competency 2 (7-10)

Courses and Registration

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