Feb 07, 2025
COMM 1051 - Intercultural Communication Credits: 3 Hours/Week: Lecture 3Lab None Course Description: Study cultural differences and how they affect communication and cause misunderstanding. Are people really different from one another or are they basically alike? Topics include the role of culture in human behavior; references to a wide range of specific cultural groups; cultural aspects of domestic and international business; issues in refugee/immigrant resettlement and adaptation; and intercultural relationships. Materials/activities include reading, films, class discussions, group events, personal interviews. MnTC Goals 1 Communication, 8 Global Perspective
Prerequisite(s): Assessment score placement in RDNG 0950 or higher, or completion of RDNG 0900 with a grade of C or higher, and assessment score placement in ENGL 0090 , or completion of ENGL 0080 with a grade of C or higher. Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: Assessment score placement in RDNG 1000 , or completion of RDNG 0900 or RDNG 0950 with a grade of C or higher, and assessment score placement in ENGL 1021 , or completion of ENGL 0090 with a grade of C or higher.
Major Content
- Definitions: communication, intercultural communication, culture
- Concepts: connection between culture and communication, dimensions of difference, cultural generalizations
- Crossing cultural boundaries: culture shock; images; the experience of tourists, expatriates, and refuges/immigrants.
- Culture-general theory: models, cultural-variability scales.
- Culture-specific analysis: description, differences, and comparisons.
- Culture-specific interactions
- Doing business across cultures: local, national, global levels.
- Intercultural relationships.
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- demonstrate increased understanding of cultural differences
- apply knowledge of intercultural communication theory to specific cross-cultural interactions
- compare and contrast the behaviors, values, and beliefs of specific cultural groups
- analyze their own cross-cultural interactions, from both in class and out.
- communicate with those of cultural groups other than their own.
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