Mar 11, 2025
CSCI 2050 - Database Management Systems Credits: 4 Hours/Week: Lecture 4Lab None Course Description: The course covers the concepts and techniques for designing, creating, and managing databases. The relational model is emphasized, along with its associated design techniques, such as E-R Model, normalization, and decomposition. Structured Query Language (SQL) is covered in depth and used to implement, query, and modify databases. Topics include query optimization, transaction management, backup, security, and privacy, as well as additional architectures such as distributed, object-oriented, and client/server. Additional architectures such as distributed, object-oriented database, and client/server are explained. Students create front-end database applications that use modern interface design, using an industry-current database such as MySQL. An industry current database such as MySQL will be used in the course. MnTC Goals None
Prerequisite(s): Assessment score placement into MATH 1061 or above, or completion of MATH 0070 with a grade of C or higher, and CSCI 1082 or concurrently enrolled. Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: None
Major Content
- The Relational Database Model
- SQL Language
- Relational Database Design
- The E-R Model
- Physical Storage and File Structure
- Query Processing
- Data Warehousing and Mining
- Database-System Architectures
- Object-Based Databases
- Query Optimization
- Recovery and Backup
- Transaction Management & concurrency control
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- create conceptual, logical, and physical entity relationship diagrams based on requirements.
- apply the appropriate design process and techniques (such as normalization) to create an optimal database.
- Use SQL to create, modify, and query relational databases.
- apply optimizations to queries.
- demonstrate principles for effective transaction management, concurrency control, and recovery.
- apply optimizations to queries.
- describe query processing process.
- compare different database architectures including relational, distributed and object-oriented.
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