Mar 06, 2025
ENGR 2092 - Circuits II Credits: 4 Hours/Week: Lecture NoneLab None Course Description: This course builds on information and skills developed in Circuits I and focuses on AC circuit theory. Topics include sinusoidal analysis, phasors, frequency response, two-port networks, Laplace transforms, and frequency response. The frequency response of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers is presented. Design of AC circuits is integrated throughout the course. This course includes a two-hour lab each week. MnTC Goals None
Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2091 and concurrent enrollment in MATH 2082 . Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: None
Major Content
- Sinusoidal analysis
- Design of AC circuits
- Frequency response of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers
- Frequency response of linear circuits
- Laplace transforms
- Miller effect
- Phasors
- Steady-state power
- Two-port networks
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- Analyze AC circuits.
- Design simple AC circuits
- Determine power in steady-state AC circuits
- Determine two-port parameters in two-port networks
- Apply Laplace transforms to analyze circuits
- Determine the frequency response of linear circuits
- Determine the frequency response of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers
- Design AC circuits.
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