Jan 18, 2025  
2017-2018 Course Catalog 
2017-2018 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ESOL 1035 - ESOL for College

Credits: 3
Hours/Week: Lecture NoneLab None
Course Description: This course focuses on college reading, writing, and the use of library resources. You will practice the types of writing projects and oral presentations typical of college courses. You will review the grammar of complex sentences and improve your computer skills for research and writing.
MnTC Goals

Prerequisite(s): Appropriate score on the language proficiency test with background information, oral interview and writing sample, or grades of C or higher in developmental levels of ESOL.
Corequisite(s): None
Recommendation: None

Major Content
  1. Writing Revising essays for content and organization
  2. Academic Skills in U.S. Culture College Survival Skills Identifying useful academic and personal support services at Century College Developing strategies for college participation Using classroom language to participate individually in class Practicing participation in small and large group discussions Taking advantage of opportunities for conversations and speaker events outside of class Reading and interpreting program requirements from college catalog Articulating strategies for continuing independent language learning
  3. Academic Skills in U.S. Culture Note-taking Highlighting, underlining, and taking marginal notes in introductory college level text Taking notes from library resource materials Practicing a systematic approach to taking class notes (methods of organizing, using space effectively, abbreviations, etc.) Using knowledge of rhetorical patterns to improve comprehension and to take notes
  4. Academic Skills in U.S. Culture Test Taking Applying techniques for completing objective and short answer tests Answering essay questions on familiar material
  5. Academic Skills in U.S. Culture Resource Materials Becoming familiar with procedures for using library materials Checking out and returning library material Using reference and reserve material Becoming familiar with locations of books, magazines, reference, and reserve materials in a college library Finding library materials appropriate to the development of a writing project Determining relevancy and usefulness of resources Understanding how research is conducted and how to evaluate the legitimacy of sources
  6. Grammar - Review grammar points such as: Conjunctions Conjunctive adverbs Advanced adjective clauses Advanced noun clauses Participial phrases (reduced clauses) Present and past perfect, simple and progressive Passives in advanced tenses and for academic texts Modal perfects Unreal conditionals
  7. Reading Pre-Reading
  8. Reading Comprehension (for introductory college-level materials) Identifying main ideas Identifying supporting details Interpreting charts, graphs, maps, tables Summarizing and/or paraphrasing a text for discussion Synthesizing information from two or more sources
  9. Reading Vocabulary Acquiring new vocabulary and idioms plus strategies for dealing with unfamiliar vocabulary, and using these strategies for interpreting text Recognizing and using correct word forms Recognizing common affixes and Latin and Greek root words Using appropriate word forms in sentences Determining meanings of words from context Using a dictionary to Find pronunciation (especially stress) and part of speech Select appropriate definition for a word in a context Identify related word forms Distinguish formal and informal registers and field
  10. Reading Text Analysis Recognizing and understand transitions Within a paragraph Within a longer article Identifying rhetorical patterns to aid comprehension
  11. Reading Critical Reading Distinguishing fact from opinion Stating reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with an author Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information in order to answer questions Distinguishing textual information from one¿s own ideas/experience Drawing conclusions Making inferences
  12. Reading Culture Using information from texts to gain knowledge of American culture in relationship to other cultures Recognizing differences between author¿s and students cultural assumptions Developing a global perspective for contemporary issues
  13. Writing Using a variety of pre-writing strategies and a broad spectrum of materials to generate ideas for writing projects Generating ideas using appropriate techniques for the topic Organizing ideas Researching and collecting data
  14. Writing Generating, focusing, and sequencing ideas for several writing projects Focusing ideas and writing a thesis statement Generating relevant supporting details for a given topic using outside sources Recognizing, understanding and applying appropriate rhetorical style Developing awareness of audience and purpose Using logical connectors both within a paragraph and over an entire text Transitional words Pronoun referents Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions Repetition of words/use of related word forms
  15. Writing Generating, focusing, and sequencing ideas for several writing projects Summarizing and presenting material orally or in writing Paraphrasing words, phrases and sentences on familiar topics Using new terminology
  16. Writing Editing essays for vocabulary, language use and mechanics

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate comprehension of college level reading material
  2. Take objective and essay tests effectively
  3. Synthesize introductory college level reading material
  4. Locate and use information in the library, including print, Internet, and multimedia sources
  5. Construct, revise, and edit writing projects and presentations, each based on an original thesis
  6. Participate in small group and whole class discussions
  7. Participate in other class activities typical of those in American classrooms
  8. Take notes from various sources
  9. Analyze and use a variety of simple and complex grammatical structures in speaking and writing

Courses and Registration

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