Jan 13, 2025
HSCI 1021 - Introduction to the Health Support Specialist (HSS) Credits: 3 Hours/Week: Lecture 3Lab None Course Description: This course will provide students with an orientation to the role of Health Support Specialist (HSS). Topics will include history of aging services, culture change, implementing person-directed living in the health care setting, and participation in a mentorship and apprenticeship model of training. Effective communication skills needed to work with individuals, families, and other healthcare workers will be explored. MnTC Goals None
Prerequisite(s): Nursing Assistant Registered (NA/R) Acceptance within three months of starting classes into the HSS program with approved contract with chosen organization for apprenticeship. Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: None
Major Content
- A. Elder Care: Past, Current and Future
- Poor farm
- Growth of services for older adults
- Continuum of care
- B. The Role of a Health Support Specialist
- What is a Health Support Specialist
- Job Descriptions
- Pathways of HSS
- How this role links to the concept of person directed living
- Where the HSS fits within the long term care healthcare team and the Culture Care model
- Leadership and communication skills assessment
- C. The HSS Curriculum
- HSS Framework
- Credentials in training
- Apprenticeship Model: Standards and Work Processes
- Apprenticeship on-the-job training
- On-line student tracking system
- D. Mentoring
- Introduction into Peer Mentoring
- Establish effective relationships with mentees
- Assist mentees in problem solving
- Changing Roles
- E. Understanding and promoting Person Directed Living
- F. Environmental Changes: It is not the building that makes the difference; it is the creation of home!
- A house vs. a home
- Family: define
- Key behavioral standards for persons working with elders
- Honoring elders
- Person directed living
- G. It¿s all about Relationships
- Review the importance of creating home: atmosphere and physical
- Allowing residents to have control in their lives
- Getting to know the resident
- Building relationships
- H. Living the Life I Choose
- Sense of belonging
- Identity
- Self-worth
- Love
- I. Leadership in Person Directed Living
- Taking a risk as an employee
- Collaborative Communication NAR Testimonials
- Caring for Self
- J. Building Team and Community
- Creating culture
- Shared leadership
- Self-directed work teams
- Self-transformation
- K. Communication Accommodations
- Active Listening
- Developing Self Awareness
- Putting skills to work
- Problem Solving
- Enhancing communication with older adults
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- describe mentoring styles for the workplace.
- describe the apprenticeship model and process for the Health Support Specialist.
- differentiate varying individual preferences related to culture and lifestyle.
- discuss the value of building relationships in person directed living.
- discuss ways to promote quality of life in person directed living.
- explain history of services for older adults.
- explain person directed living philosophy and implementation.
- explain the importance of effective communication in a health support specialist role.
- identify career goals as a Health Support Specialist and in aging services.
- relate leadership skills to managing conflict.
- describe leadership and communication skills necessary in the role of the HSS.
Courses and Registration
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