Mar 13, 2025
PSYC 2003 - Sensation, Movement, and Language Credits: 1 Hours/Week: Lecture 1Lab None Course Description: How does the brain receive information, interpret it, and then respond? This course presents an introduction to the brain’s role in sensation (vision, hearing, and other senses), perception (creating meaning from sensory information), body movement (including disorders of movement such as dystonia and Parkinson’s disease), and language (including language disorders such as aphasia). The focus is on how the brain and nervous system sense the environment, perceive and interpret incoming sensory information, move the muscles of the body, and communicate with others using language. MnTC Goals 5 History/Social/Behavioral Science
Prerequisite(s): Assessment score placement in RDNG 1000 or completion of RDNG 0900 or RDNG 0950 with grade of C or higher. Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: PSYC 1020 .
Major Content
- Basic brain anatomy and physiology
- Language processing in the brain and language disorders
- Principles of sensation and perception
- Processing of body movement in the brain and movement disorders
- The other senses
- Vision and visual perception
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- describe the basic foundations of brain anatomy and physiology.
- describe the principle of perception.
- identify the basic components of any system of sensation and perception.
- identify brain areas involved in language.
- list human senses other than vision and their fundamental properties.
- describe the anatomical features of vision and the visual pathway in the brain.
- describe the role these brain areas play in body movement: motor cortex, cerebellum, and basal ganglia.
- identify brain areas involved in language.
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