Total Credits: 60
Major Number: 5881
CIP Code: 15.0000
Program Description
Digital Manufacturing technologists use principles and theories of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) to solve technical problems in today’s manufacturing environments. An engineering technician, today, will combine fundamental principles of mechanical engineering technology, digital technology, and computer automation knowledge utilizing electrical and electronic circuits to design, develop, test, and manufacture systems.
Advanced digital manufacturing, typically called 3D printing, is expanding new dimensions found in traditional manufacturing settings. Increasingly our high-technology economy is dependent on having a supply of qualified and skilled “digital workers” who possess skills in computer-based design/simulation, electronics, programming, mechanics, 3D printing, and manufacturing automation to develop and maintain advanced digital-based manufacturing systems used in business and today’s industry.
This program prepares students to work as applied digital technologists in industries where manufacturing process utilize systems of control and automation in manufacturing. Graduates of the Additive Digital Manufacturing program may develop and test industrial process control systems, supervise the building and testing of prototypes including 3D printing, supervise and conduct the installation and operation of automated machine systems, and work in the rapidly growing IoT (Internet of Everything) field. Graduates will be able to calibrate and control automated machine cells, assist in applied research under the direction of scientists and engineers, and set up and operate specialized diagnostic equipment in order to test, trouble shoot, and analyze performance.
The program has an emphasis on communication, leadership, project management, and digital manufacturing ecosystems.
Program Prerequisites
Special Instructions