2017-2018 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Biology Transfer Pathway, AS
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Total Credits: 60
Major Number: 5898
CIP Code: 26.0101
Program Description
The Biology Transfer Pathway AS offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an Associate of Science degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated Biology bachelor’s degree programs at Minnesota State universities. The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the seven Minnesota State universities enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor’s degree programs in a related field.
Minnesota State universities include: Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; Minnesota State University, Mankato; Minnesota State University Moorhead; Southwest Minnesota State University; St. Cloud State University; and Winona State University.
Program Prerequisites
Special Instructions
Students planning to transfer to a university outside of the Minnesota State system are advised to consult with their intended transfer institution as early as possible to determine transferability of the courses in this Transfer Pathway degree.
MnTC/General Education Requirements
Goal 2: Critical Thinking
Fulfilled when all MnTC goals for this degree are complete. Goal 3 and/or 4: Natural Sciences/Math/Logical Reasoning
Goal 5: History/Social/Behavioral Sciences
Goal 6: Humanities/Fine Arts
Goals 7-10: Theme Goals
Three credits in each of two Goal areas selected from Goals 7, 8, 9 or 10 are required. Many courses from Goals 1-6 also meet Goals 7-10. One course may fulfill a maximum of two Goals. Credits count only once. Goal 8: Global Perspectives
Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility
Goal 10: People and the Environment
MnTC Elective Requirements
None Additional Elective Requirements
Additional Requirements
A minimum of 16 biology credits, with a grade of “C” or higher, are required for this degree and in order to be transferable into the Minnesota State Transfer Pathway majors. Program Information
General Requirements for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates See Century College Policy Program Note Non-binding suggestions for useful elective courses within the sciences - should be tailored to specific major track and transfer University: - GIS/Geography (GEOG 1021-Goal 3/10; GEOG 1023-Goal 5/8; GEOG 1041-Goal 5/7)
- Geology or Earth Sciences (ESCI 1020-Goal 3/10; ESCI 1030-Goal 3/10; ESCI 1060-Goal 3/10)
- Higher level math courses such as Calculus (MATH 1081-Goal 4), Statistics (MATH 1025-Goal 4), Applied statistics, Biostatistics, Regression analysis
- Anatomy and Physiology (BIOL 2031, BIOL 2032)
- Organic Chemistry I and II (CHEM 2041, CHEM 2042)
- Physics (PHYS 1041)
- Environmental Science
Transfer, Articulation Agreements, and Partnerships See the Century College website for information regarding transfer. This degree program is designed for both employment preparation and transfer. Some of the courses may not transfer to a number of four-year colleges. If you are considering the possibility of transfer, you may wish to talk with your advisor, counselor, or program instructor before registering to discuss your goals, look at programs designed for transfer, and develop a plan. NOTE: The following Minnesota State university transfer information and designated degrees are pending Minnesota State system final approval and subject to change. Refer to the Century College program webpage for updated information and contact your Century academic advisor/counselor for more details. Bemidji State University: 2.25 GPA; Major courses with a “C” or higher TBD Metropolitan State University: Biology, BA Foundation Courses with “C-” or higher Minnesota State University, Mankato: Biology, BS 2.7 GPA Minnesota State University, Moorhead: Biology, BA Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, BA 2.0 GPA Southwest Minnesota State University: Biology Concentration, BA A grade point average of 2.50 in all major coursework taken at SMSU including courses transferred from other institutions. A grade point average of 2.00 in all minor course work is required. St. Cloud State University: Biomedical Science, BS 2.65 GPA Winona State University: Biology, - Allied Health, BS Biology - Cell and Molecular, BS Biology - Ecology, BS Biology - Environmental Science, BS GPA 2.5, completion of specific courses with “C” or higher Program Learning Outcomes At the end of this program students will be able to: - Demonstrate sophomore-level proficiency in biological concepts covered in introductory principles, genetics, and ecology or other elective biology courses.
- Apply the scientific method, including appropriate experimental design and methodology, to answer biology-related questions.
- Analyze and interpret data sets using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics.
- Navigate, read, and analyze scientific literature in the biological context.
- Effectively communicate, both orally and in writing, the results and analysis of their own or others’ experiments, using computers and graphs where necessary to visualize data or to create clear and compelling papers, posters, or presentations.
- Communicate and work productively with others in designing, conducting, and evaluating projects, experiments, and other course-related deliverables.
- Analyze scientific studies in light of their ecological, social, economic, ethical, and cultural implications.
- Utilize a cross-disciplinary approach to inform the learning and work in which they are engaged.
- Effectively and efficiently utilize the light microscope and other commonly used biological equipment and techniques to investigate biological concepts
Program Contact Information Paul Dykes 651.779.3369 Room 2826 East Pam Thinesen 651.779.3476 Room 2832 East Sample Plan
Please note that this is a sample course sequence. Individual schedules will vary depending upon student needs, goals, and availability. Students are recommended to meet with their advisor, counselor, or faculty program instructors to create an individualized plan that includes prerequisites and application requirements. For detailed program information see the Century College website. This information is subject to change. Note
This information is subject to change. Changes and updates are posted on century.edu Century College is a member of the Minnesota State system. We are an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. This document can be available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 651.779.3354 or 1.800.228.1978 x 3354. |
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