Welcome to Century College! The Student Handbook has been designed to provide information on what every Wood Duck needs to know at Century. The handbook covers various activities, rules, regulations, and policies that have direct impact on students at Century.
Mission Statement
Century College inspires, prepares, and empowers students to succeed in a changing world.
This means:
- We inspire students to learn and to develop as whole people: intellectually, physically, and emotionally
- We inspire students to continue learning throughout life
- We prepare and empower students to be successful by helping them develop knowledge, skills and abilities needed to enter or progress within the work force or to transfer to a four-year institution, and to adapt and thrive in our increasingly diverse and ever-changing world.
The Century College community values:
- inspiring learning
- broadening perspectives
- pursuing excellence
- responding to community needs
- achieving goals
- transforming lives
- celebrating achievement
Getting Connected
Clubs and Organizations
There are over 30 clubs and organizations for students to participate in at Century College. This includes special interest clubs, cultural organizations, and program specific groups.
Student Senate
The Student Senate is the official representative student government of Century College. The purpose of the senate is to work to improve the quality of education and of campus life for students at Century. For more information call 651.444.2540 or visit the Student Senate website.
Ducks Leadership
Ducks provides a range of experiential education opportunities to gain leadership skills through four areas:
Staying Connected
The Wood Duck Weekly is sent weekly to inform students of student life activities for the week and services that are available and information of importance.
The Century Times is a student run newspaper that is published twice a semester. It is distributed throughout campus with information relevant to the Century community. Click HERE for more information.
The Century College app is the ultimate student toolkit to help you stay connected and make the most of your time at Century College. Check class schedules, class assignment due dates, and connect with your classmates. You can also access campus events (on-campus and virtual), connect with clubs and organizations, and peer-to-peer chat.
Your Century Email is the official form of communication on campus. It is important that you activate and regularly check your college-provided student email account, so you can receive up-to-date information from the College, and communicate with instructors/staff on campus.
Student Life Social Media is another way to stay connected to the college community and get information on upcoming events. Click HERE to find Student Life on Facebook.
Century College Text Messages are another way to get connected to campus in real time. Messages about upcoming events and important deadlines will be sent straight to your phone. Students are opted into this service when they enroll. students have the option to opt out as well.
Student Club Center
The Student Club Center, room 1210 west campus is an area for student activities. One of its main functions is to assist various clubs and organizations with their planned events. Any students should feel free to drop in and present new ideas or suggestions that will enhance student activities on campus.
Game Room
Located in room 1205 west campus, the Game Room is a great place to unwind and enjoy recreational game activities. Table tennis and televisions are available for students’ enjoyment. Tournaments in various activities are also conducted each semester. The Game Room is also a great place to relax, enjoy a cup of coffee, watch television, meet old friends, and make new friends.
The Connection
The Connection is a “one-stop-shop” for equipment rental, discounted tickets, snacks and much more. The Connection is conveniently located in the student center (The Nest) on the West Campus, room 1205. East Campus Connection is located in room 1705 on East Campus.Stop by and take advantage of the many benefits and services available to Century College students and employees!
Athletics, Intramurals, and Outdoor Recreation
At Century College you can participate in College Conference (MCC) and the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) athletics, intramural sports, and outdoor recreation activities. Click on the links below to for more information on these opportunities.
Club Sports
Fitness Center
Intramural Sports
Wood Ducks In The Wild
Fine Arts
All students are welcome to participate in the Fine and Performing Arts program. Students have the choice of earning credit for participation or joining without credit. For more information on the activities below click HERE.
Century Concert Band
Century College Choir
Century Chamber Orchestra
Theatre Productions
Shakespeare and Company
Theatre Orchestra
Art Gallery
Collegewide Events
Student Activities Fair
Early each semester Student Life sponsors a Club/Activity Fair. Each club and organization on campus is invited to set up a table displaying information about their activities. This provides an excellent opportunity for all students to find a group that may interest them.
Wood Duck Days
Wood Duck Days, a school-wide event, is held each spring on the west campus in May. This day is filled with music, good food, prizes, and activities. Century’s various clubs work together to sponsor the event.
Orientation provides new students with an opportunity to get acquainted with Century College. During the session, students will learn about the many resources and student life offerings provided for all students. As well as, become familiar with campus policies and deadline dates for financial aid and tuition. After attending orientation, students will feel more prepared to begin their first semester at Century.
For more information, please visit the Orientation website.
Health and Wellness
Mantra Health:
- Century students have access to 12 FREE therapy sessions through Mantra Health . The services also include:
- ConnectNow, an on-demand emotional support tool
- Care Navigation, to help connect students with the best level of care
- Scheduled coaching and therapy
- Access to 24/7 crisis resources through phone: (888) 407-4078 or video 11am-11pm via the Care Hub However, if you or someone you know is having a mental health emergency and is putting themselves or others in danger, please call 911.
Mantra assesses the suitability of the platform to determine if telehealth and/or outpatient services best fit a student’s needs. For students with certain diagnoses or active diagnoses best treated by a local, in-person clinician, Mantra will make referrals to local clinicians. Century counselors can also assist students in connecting with providers in the community when needed.
Personal Counseling is for everyone! Whether you’re experiencing a personal issue that is preventing you from being successful in your coursework, feeling overwhelmed, or struggle with stress, depression or anxiety, our professionally trained counselors are here to help you. To learn more about our services, please view Personal and Career Counseling Services. Arrange a confidential appointment today.
The Student Health Clinic is staffed by registered nurses. The clinic is open Monday through Friday for both appointments and walk-ins. The doctor is available two Wednesdays per month. Clinic services are confidential and free of charge. No information is released to anyone or any place without a signed release form by the patient.
To speak to a nurse or set up an appointment, call 651-444.2280. For additional information please visit the Student Health Clinic .
College Policies
As a student, understanding your rights and responsibilities is important for your success. We believe the following policies are the most pertinent to you as a student, but all college polices can be found HERE. These policies and statements are not an irrevocable contract, and the College reserves the right to change any policy without notice.
Annual Security Report
For information on the annual security report or to view the current report, please visit the Public Safety webpage.
Copyright and File Sharing Policy
For information on this policy please visit the Copyright and File sharing website.
For further information about illegal file sharing, please visit:
- Minnesota State Board Procedure 5.22.1, Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources.
- Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) dealing with unauthorized file sharing on campus networks.
- Music Matters, legal online music sharing locations.
Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus Policy
Visit the Student Conduct webpage for the most up-to-date policy.
Tobacco-Free Policy
For the most up-to-date version of this policy, please visit the Process and Policies webpage.
Harassment and Discrimination
Century College and the Minnesota State system is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and education opportunity. A copy of this policy is available online at Minnesota State Board Policies and System Procedures.
For more information on this policy, please visit the Process and Policies webpage.
You can file a complaint based on sexual misconduct here. Reports may be made by:
- An individual who has experienced sexual misconduct:
- Anyone who receives a report from someone who experienced sexual misconduct; and/or
- Anyone who witnesses or otherwise has information that sexual misconduct may have occurred.
Reports can be submitted anonymously.
For more information contact the Title IX Team:
Katie Svoboda
Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator
W1487 - West Campus
Jean Rassett
Director of Student Life/Deputy Title IX Coordinator - Studentss
W1211 - West Campus
Rosa Rodriguez
Diversity Officer/Title IX Employee Designee
E2512 - East Campus
Colleen Cahill
Assistant Director of Sudent Life and Leadership Development/Title IX Investigator
W1214 - West Campus
Student Conduct/Academic Honesty
For process and policy information, please visit the Student Conduct webpage for the most up-to-date policy.
Student Complaint/Grievance Policy
Century College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA). SARA is an agreement between states and U.S. territories that creates comparable national standards for interstate offering of post-secondary distance education courses and programs. The agreement is designed to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by colleges and universities based in another state or U.S. territory.
The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) is a private, nonprofit organization that works to expand students’ access to distance education and to improve the regulation of distance education programs. If a student has a complaint they must first go through the College’s standard procedure for resolution of student grievances ( If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the institutional process, the complaint may then be brought to the SARA portal agency in the institution’s home state ( The state where the student is located also may resolve the complaint. Although students may choose to work through their own state’s SARA office for complaint resolution.
Student Data Privacy
Century College policy, Student Data Practices, pertains to student data information. Please visit the Data Privacy webpage for more information on all policies on student data privacy.
College Terminology
Academic Warning - If at the end of the evaluation period a student has not met either Century College’s GPA or completion percentage standard, the student will be placed on warning for the next term of enrollment. Students on warning are eligible to register and receive financial aid. If at the end of the warning period a student who has been on warning status has met both the cumulative GPA and cumulative completion percentage standards, the warning status is ended and the student is returned to good standing.
Academic Suspension - If a student Has not met both the cumulative GPA and cumulative completion percentage standards, the student will be suspended. You will also be suspended from financial aid eligibility if you exceed the maximum time frame. There are several other reasons you may be suspended.
Associate Degree - a two-year degree offered by colleges. Century College degrees: the Associate of Arts (AA), the Associate of Science (AS), the Associate of Fine Arts (AFA), and the Associate of Applied Science (AAS).
Career/Occupational Programs - programs designed to lead directly to employment or career advancement.
Certificate - an educational program and award focusing on career or occupational skills. Century College certificates are up to 30 credits in length.
Class Section - a group of students meeting to study a particular course at a definite time. Sections are identified by specific section numbers.
Corequisite - two or more courses required to be taken in the same term.
Course Title - a phrase descriptive of course content; for example, the course PSYC 1020 has a course title of General Psychology.
Credit Hour - the amount of credit usually earned by attending a class for fifty minutes a week for 15 weeks.
Drop - discontinuing a class within the drop/add period. A drop is not recorded on students’ transcripts.
Drop/Add Period - a period at the beginning of each term when students may drop or add classes.
Elective - a non-designated course within a program. An elective permits students to select some courses of their choice within their program.
Faculty-initiated withdrawal (FW) - This grade is assigned to a student who did not officially withdraw from the course but stopped actively participating attending prior to the end of the term. FW grades do not influence GPA calculations but count against successful completion for the purpose of measuring both academic and financial aid satisfactory progress. FW may be assigned three or more weeks prior to the final examination period but not after the published withdrawal deadline.
Faculty-initiated non-attendance withdrawal (FN) - This grade is assigned to a student who never attended the course but did not drop the course prior to the end of the drop period. FN grades do not influence GPA calculations but count against successful completion for the purpose of measuring both academic and financial aid satisfactory progress.
Grant - an outright award of funds, usually based on need, which does not have to be repaid.
Loan - a loan may be either federal, state, short-term or emergency awarding of money to students in need of financial assistance; it must be repaid.
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) - a collaborative effort among all two and four year public colleges and universities in Minnesota to help students transfer their coursework in general education. 40 credits are required in ten goal areas. These courses are also used in the general education portion of the AA, AFA, AS, AAS, diploma and certificate programs. For the list of MnTC courses, please visit the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) Course List .
Prerequisite - a prerequisite is a body of knowledge or level of competence students should have achieved to ensure readiness for a course. In special circumstances, a prerequisite may be waived by approval of the appropriate department. Students are not permitted to register for courses for which prerequisites have not been met. A prerequisite is met by earning credit in a course. Some courses may have specific grade requirements. See course description for prerequisites and grade requirements.
Satisfactory Academic Progress - You must make satisfactory academic progress towards a degree or certificate to attend Century College and remain eligible for financial aid. You are responsible for reading and understanding the complete Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and Procedure.
Semester - term or period of time in an academic year. There are two semesters and one or two summer sessions in most semester system schools. One semester typically is 15 weeks long.
Transcript - a record of a students’ academic standing and college courses and grades.
Transfer Programs - programs with courses leading to an Associate of Arts, Associate of Fine Arts, or Associate of Science degree which are generally accepted in transfer to bachelor degree granting colleges and universities.
Withdrawal - discontinuing a course after the drop/add period but before the withdrawal deadline. A withdrawal is recorded on the transcript as a W. Withdrawals do not influence GPA, but do negatively impact academic progress.
Work Study - a program created in 1964. Both the federal and state government, as well as the college, provide funds for parttime employment on campus. Part- or fulltime students in need of financial assistance may apply in the Financial Aid office.