The Student Handbook has been developed to give students an overview of various activities, rules, regulations, and policies that have direct impact on them at Century. Further information concerning any of these areas may be obtained from the Dean of Student Services, located in room 1480 west campus, or by calling 651.773.1780.
Student Life Program
The Student Life Program is designed to provide opportunities for student growth through students’ extracurricular activities. This program enriches higher education for students by providing both educational and social events. By becoming involved in activities such as academic-related events, cultural diversity programs, health and fitness programs, campus clubs, student publications, fine arts, and the intramural/recreation program, students will share in the ownership and leadership of such programs and experience a positive connection to Century College. Although the Student Life Program provides many avenues for student growth, the decision to participate is based on personal desire.
Student Activities Program
Student Club Center
The Student Club Center, room 1210 west campus, is where great beginnings take place. It is an area for student activities. One of its main functions is to assist various clubs and organizations with their planned events. In addition, many campus-wide events are sponsored by the Office of Student Life. Any students should feel free to drop in and present new ideas or suggestions that will enhance student activities on campus.
Game Room
Free time between classes, at the beginning or end of the day? Located in room 1205 west campus, the Game Room is a great place to unwind and enjoy recreational game activities. Table tennis and televisions are available for students’ enjoyment. Tournaments in various activities are also conducted each semester. The Game Room is also a great place to relax, enjoy a cup of coffee, watch television, meet old friends, and make new friends.
Student Clubs and Organizations
How to Get Involved
There are over 25 clubs and organizations for students to participate in at Century College. There are special interest clubs, cultural organizations, and program specific groups.
Are you looking to start a new club or get involved in one of the current clubs or organizations at Century? Please contact the Director of Student Life and Leadership Development at 651.747.4015 or the Student Senate Office at 651.779.3317.
Student Life Committee
This committee consists of student, faculty and staff representatives that make decisions regarding the student life budget, expenditures, and the student life activity fee.
Student Photo ID
Students will need a Century photo ID to use the library, fitness center, to check out game room and recreation equipment, and to use the mathematics, English or reading labs. The first photo ID card is free. Lost or replacement cards are $5.00 (payable at the Business Office).
To obtain a Century College photo ID you will need a copy of your current course schedule along with a driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID. This service is located at the Records Office, room 2221 west campus.
Student Publications
The All-Student Email is sent weekly to inform students of activities for the week, services that are available and information of importance. For further information call 651.748.2608.
The Century Times is a student run newspaper that is published twice a semester. It is distributed throughout campus with information relevant to the Century community. For more information call 651.747.4015
Student Senate
The Student Senate is the official representative student government of Century College. It operates under a constitution that has been approved by the student body and consists of volunteer senators and an elected executive board. The purpose of the senate is to work to improve the quality of education and of campus life for students at Century. One way the senate accomplishes this is by influencing the College’s decisionmaking process through working closely as a liaison between the student body and the administration and faculty. In order to address all issues of concern to students, the Student Senate must consider not only campus issues, but state legislation as well. Through its participation with the Minnesota State College Student Association, the Century Student Senate has a direct channel to issues and concerns on the state level.
The effectiveness of the senate depends on the quality of direct student involvement. Participation in the organization is an excellent opportunity to learn about the political process, become acquainted with the college system, and build leadership skills. For more information call 651.747.4015 .
The Connection
Located in room 1205 west campus, The Connection is a great place to get involved in the many happenings at Century College. The Connection provides discount ticket prices, food, bus passes, a local fax machine and much more. It can also connect you to the many student groups and their events on campus including the Planning Activities Committee which sponsors events such as Wood Duck Days, Blizzard Blast and the Fright Walk. Contact The Connection at 651.779.3358, by email at or on our eFolio web site at
The Connection is also the home of the outdoor recreation equipment. There is seasonal equipment that is available for check out including but not limited to in-line skates and protective equipment, snowshoes, fishing poles and equipment, cross-country skis, backpacks and tents.
Intercollegiate Athletics
Century College is a member of the Minnesota College Conference (MCC) and the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). Century College offers intercollegiate men’s and women’s soccer and baseball and softball. For more information call 651.779.3325. Intramural/ Recreation Programs.
Fitness Center
Located in Room 1605 on the West Campus, the Fitness Center provides a full complement of weight training and aerobic machines for use by current Century students and staff. Watch for on-going fitness workshops.
Intramural Sports
Open to all students interested in a variety of team and individual sports. Activities include soccer, badminton, volleyball, basketball, softball, and golf to name just a few. The Intramural Sports Program provides a diverse spectrum of recreational activities for Century students and staff. For more information call 651.779.3322.
The gymnasium is available for a variety of activities (i.e. basketball, volleyball, and badminton).
Outdoor Volleyball, Basketball Courts, and Golf Practice Green
The courts and golf green are available for all to use and are located behind west campus. Balls are available through The Connection in room 1205 west campus.
Wood Duck Walking Trail
Enjoy a beautiful walk through nature on this paved trail located behind west campus.
Locker Rooms
Locker room facilities, located near the gymnasium (men on first floor, women on third floor) are available for those participating in intramural, recreation, and fitness activities. Students must provide their own towel and lock. Locks must be removed daily.
Fine Arts
Art Gallery
The purpose of the art gallery is to provide students and community residents the opportunity to view and appreciate the work of professional and student artists in a gallery setting. For more information call 651.773.1792.
Performing Arts
All students are welcome to participate in the Performing Arts program. Students have the choice of earning credit for participation or joining without credit.
- Century College Choir -
A choral ensemble open to students without singing experience as an activity or for academic credit. One concert per semester. For more information call 651.779.3212.
- Century Chamber Orchestra -
A chamber-size orchestra open to students with previous orchestral experience as an activity or for academic credit. Study and performance of standard orchestra literature. For more information call 651.779.3214.
- Theatre Productions -
Students may participate in college theatrical productions using their talents in acting, stagecraft, stage makeup and/or scenery design. For more information call 651.779.3211.
- Century Concert Band -
The study and performance of instrumental literature. No audition. Open to students as an activity or for academic credit. For more information call 651.747.4033.
- Century Jazz Ensemble -
The study and performance of high level jazz arrangements with an emphasis on improvisation. Audition required. Open to students as an activity or for academic credit or through Continuing Education. For more information call 651.747.4033.
- Shakespeare and Company -
Provides students and community residents the opportunity to view and appreciate summer repertory theatre at Century’s outdoor theatre complex. Participation is noncredit, by audition only.
Collegewide Events
Student Activities Fair
Early each semester Student Life sponsors a Club/Activity Fair. Each club and organization on campus is invited to set up a table displaying information about their activities. This provides an excellent opportunity for all students to find a group that may interest them.
Blizzard Blast
Blizzard Blast is a winter event held on campus during the last week in February. Students, faculty, and staff have the opportunity to socially interact at the various events. A variety of indoor and outdoor activities are offered.
Wood Duck Days
Wood Duck Days, a school-wide event, is held each spring on the west campus in May. This day is filled with music, good food, prizes, and activities. Century’s various clubs work together to sponsor the event.
Orientation provides new students with an opportunity to get acquainted with Century College. During the session, students will learn about the many resources and student life offerings provided for all students, become familiar with campus policies and deadline dates for financial aid and tuition, and have an opportunity to meet with an advisor to go over course selections for their first semester. After attending orientation, students will feel more prepared to begin their first semester at Century.
College Policies
These policies and statements are not an irrevocable contract, and the College reserves the right to change any policy without notice.
Compliance, Safety and Security Report
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, requires higher education institutions to give timely warnings of crimes that represent a threat to the safety of students or employees, and to make public their campus security policies. It also requires that crime data is collected, reported, and disseminated to the campus community and is also submitted to the Department of Education. The goal of the Clery Act is to provide students and their families, as higher education consumers, with accurate, complete and timely information about safety on campus so that they can make informed decisions.
Century College is committed to the well-being of our campus community including students, employees, and visitors. The college has taken numerous steps to maintain a safe learning environment for all. The college also encourages students, faculty, staff and visitors to take appropriate steps to insure their own personal safety. We encourage all to report suspicious individuals, activities, or hazardous conditions immediately.
The Compliance, Safety and Security Report is available in the Advising, Counseling, & Career Center, room 2410 west campus, Human Resources, room 1395 east campus, and by calling 651.779.3929.
Copyright and File Sharing Policy
Downloading or distributing copyrighted material, including through peer-to-peer file sharing, without the permission of the copyright owner is against the law. Illegal downloading or distribution of copyrighted materials can result in you being prosecuted in criminal court and/or sued for damages in civil court. Criminal penalties for first-time offenders can be as high as five years in prison and $250,000 in fines. If sued in civil court, you may be responsible for monetary damages, attorneys’ fees and civil penalties up to $150,000 per work distributed.
Use of Century College technology resources (including accessing the Century College network from your personal computer) for unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials is prohibited.
By your use of Century College technology resources, you formally acknowledge that you have been informed of the rules regarding illegal file sharing and the consequences that can come from inappropriate use of computers and network resources belonging to Century College, located in White Bear Lake, MN.
If Century College receives information about potential illegal file sharing linked to your student account, the Information Technology Services department shall notify you via your Century College student e-mail account and ask you to sign and return a form acknowledging that you will no longer share files. Failure to return the signed form in the time allotted and/or repeated infractions by the same student will result in a student code of conduct notification and associated penalties, including restrictions from using Century College technology resources.
For further information about illegal file sharing, please visit:
- Minnesota State Board Procedure 5.22.1, Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources.
- Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) dealing with unauthorized file sharing on campus networks.
- Music Matters, legal online music sharing locations.
Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus Policy
The standards of conduct at Century College clearly prohibit the possession, use or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and staff on the campus premises or in conjunction with any college-sponsored activity or event whether on- or off-campus. Please read the Compliance, Safety and Security Report for specific information on the state and federal laws regarding drugs and alcohol on a college campus.
NOTE: Although the Minnesota Medical Cannabis Law and program allows seriously ill Minnesotans to use medical marijuana to treat certain conditions, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the Controlled Substances Act, and the Campus Security Act, and Minnesota State Board Policy 5.18 Alcoholic Beverages or Controlled Substances on Campus. Therefore, the use, possession, production, manufacture, and distribution of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student or employee is on college or university owned or controlled property or any function authorized or controlled by the college or university.
The College will take steps to educate its community regarding the health risks associated with alcohol and drug abuse. Appropriate referrals to counseling and health agencies will be made to individuals as needed.
The College will impose sanctions on students and employees who violate this policy. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- completion of an education program;
- completion of community service hours;
- referral to law enforcement agencies for prosecution of felony, gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor charges;
- referral to the Advising, Counseling, & Career Center or other appropriate department;
- suspension or separation from the College;
- expulsion from the College.
The Compliance, Safety and Security Report lists health risks associated with abuse of alcohol and drugs; and if anyone needs assistance with a drug or alcohol problem, a list of services is available.
Tobacco-Free Policy
Century College is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking, tobacco use, electronic cigarettes, and tobacco sales (including the use or sale of smokeless tobacco products) are prohibited on college owned, operated, or leased property including college vehicles. This policy applies to all persons on college property. Noncompliance is punishable by fine and/or disciplinary action.
Exception: Tobacco use inside privately owned vehicles while on campus property is permitted.
Harassment and Discrimination
For policy and process information, please access the Student Concern Process through the myCentury student portal or call the Dean of Student Services at 651.773.1780
Harassment Officer: Dean of Student Services 651.773.1780West Campus - W1480
Century College and the Minnesota State system is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and education opportunity.
No person shall be discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment, personnel practices, or access to and participation in, programs, services, and activities with regard to race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. In addition, discrimination in employment based on membership or activity in a local commission as defined by law is prohibited.
Harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression is prohibited. Harassment may occur in a variety of relationships, including faculty and student, supervisor and employee, student and student, staff and student, employee and employee, and other relationships with persons having business at, or visiting the educational or working environment.
This policy is directed at verbal or physical conduct that constitutes discrimination/harassment under state and federal law and is not directed at the content of speech. In cases in which verbal statements and other forms of expression are involved, Century College and the Minnesota State system will give due consideration to an individual’s constitutionally protected right to free speech and academic freedom. However, discrimination and harassment are not within the protections of academic freedom or free speech.
The system office, colleges, and universities shall maintain and encourage full freedom, within the law, of expression, inquiry, teaching and research. Academic freedom comes with a responsibility that all members of our education community benefit from it without intimidation, exploitation or coercion.
This policy shall apply to all individuals affiliated with Century College and the Minnesota State system, including but not limited to, its students, employees, applicants, volunteers, agents, and Board of Trustees, and is intended to protect the rights and privacy of both the complainant and respondent and other involved individuals, as well as to prevent retaliation or reprisal. Individuals who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary or other corrective action.
A copy of this policy is available in the Advising, Counseling, and Career Center, in the Compliance, Safety and Security Report, and online at Minnesota State Board Policies and System Procedures.
Student Conduct/Academic Honesty
For policy and process information, please access the Student Concern Process through the myCentury student portal or call the Dean of Student Services at 651.773.1780.
Student Conduct
Each student at Century College has the right to an education, and it is the responsibility of the College to provide an environment that promotes learning. Any action by a student that interferes with the education of any other student or interferes with the operations of the college in carrying out its responsibility to provide an education will be considered a violation of this code. Disciplinary action will be handled in an expeditious manner while providing due process. The provisions of this policy do not affect the rights of persons in authority to take any immediate and temporary actions necessary to retain the classroom, campus or program atmosphere, and to uphold established policies, regulations, and laws.
Violations, the informal and formal processes, the appeals process, and sanctions are described in the Student Conduct Policy available in the Advising, Counseling, & Career Center, room 2410 west campus. Also, for more information, see the Dean of Student Services, room 1480 west campus, 651.773.1780.
Academic Honesty
The primary academic mission of Century College is the exploration and dissemination of knowledge. Academic honesty and integrity are integral to the academic process. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense which undermines the educational process and the learning experience for the entire College community.
It is expected that Century College students will understand and adhere to the concept of academic integrity and to the standards of conduct prescribed by the College’s Academic Honesty Policy. It is expected that each student will assume responsibility for his/her work and that materials submitted in fulfillment of course, program, and college academic requirements must represent the student’s own efforts. Any act of academic dishonesty attempted by a student at Century College is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
The Student Conduct and Academic Honesty Policy is available in the Advising, Counseling, & Career Center, room 2410 west campus, or from the Dean of Student Services, room 1480 west campus, 651.773.1780.
Student Complaint/Grievance Policy
For policy and process information, please access the Student Concern Process through the myCentury student portal or call the Dean of Student Services at 651.773.1780.
Student Complaint Process
(Unfair Treatment by College Employee) Students may file a complaint concerning alleged improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment and discuss it with the appropriate employee or with the employee’s supervisor. They may use an informal situation resolution form or follow the grievance process below.
Student Grievance Process (Policy Violation)
To initiate a grievance (formal written claim), students may carry an official grievance through the following steps, if necessary:
- to the employee being grieved.
- to the appropriate supervisor to whom that employee reports.
- to the appropriate dean or administrator
- to the appropriate Vice-President
- to the College President - This is the final step in the appeal process however, if the violation involves a Minnesota State Board policy, a student may carry the grievance to a sixth step
- to the Chancellor - the decision of the Chancellor is final and binding
Copies of the grievance policy and forms are available in the Advising, Counseling, & Career Center, room 2410 west campus. For more information contact the Dean of Student Services, 651.773.1780.
Student Data Privacy
Century College policy, Student Data Practices, pertains to student data information. Please refer to Century’s website for the most current information about student data practices.
Century College, in compliance with the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. Students can inspect and view their records within 45 days of the day the college Registrar (Records Office) receives a written request for access. Students may ask the College to amend a record by writing to the Registrar and clearly identifying what part of the record is inaccurate and why it is inaccurate. Certain educational records will not be released to other persons without permission from the students with the exception of disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel); students serving on official College committees or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks assisting qualified officials; a person or company with whom the college has contracted, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent; a person serving on the Minnesota State Board of Trustees, or the Century Foundation. A school official has legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Student Data Practices Policy
In accumulating this information, the College provides the following assurances:
- Student records are official records of Century College and will be used for educational purposes according to Minnesota and federal student data laws.
- The purpose and intended use of the data will be explained upon request as well as consequences of refusing to supply private or confidential information.
- The Registrar, Director of Admissions, academic advisors/counselors, financial aid officers, and Vice President of Academic Affairs under the direction of the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, who is responsible authority, are responsible for the confidentiality and security of the information. Information maintained on students is listed in the following categories.
Students shall be informed as to what is classified as directory and limited directory information and, on their request, may prevent the release of this information.
Public Student Data-Directory Information
To prevent release of this information outside of the College, students should contact the Records office. See the complete Student Data Policy below.
Public student data is accessible to any member of the public for any reason and includes the following items:
- Name
- Dates of enrollment
- Major field of study
- Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and Honors received
- Status- full-time/part-time
- Dean’s List
- Height and weight of student athletes
Records of Deceased Students
Upon a student’s death, education records retain the same classification that applied prior to the student’s death and shall be handled in accordance with privacy laws applicable to data on decedents including, but not limited to, Minn. Stat. §13.10. Rights of the deceased student who is the subject of private or confidential data may be exercised by the representative of the deceased student. Nonpublic data concerning a deceased student that is created or collected after death, are also accessible by the representative of the deceased student.
The Records Office shall release nonpublic data on a deceased student under the following conditions:
- Pursuant to a valid subpoena or court order;
- To the executor or representative of the deceased student’s estate or next of kin, if an executor or representative has not been appointed, upon showing applicable proof of the student’s death (i.e., death certificate or obituary notice) and written authorization by or identification of the executor, representative or next of kin, as applicable.
Private Student Information
Private student information is not accessible to the public. It is accessible to the subject of the data, to individuals or agencies authorized by law to gain access, and to any person or agency having the approval of the subject.
- Address/e-mail address
- Background information, including behavior, performance, traits
- College and high school records
- courses taken
- credits attempted
- credits earned
- grades earned
- high school rank.
- Advising/Counseling records unless they contain information classified or confidential
- Disciplinary record
- Evaluations
- Financial aid records
- Medical information
- Recommendations
- Social security number
- Telephone number
- Test scores
Confidential Information
This data is not accessible to the public or to the subject of the data. It is accessible only to individuals or agencies authorized by law to gain access.
- Financial records and statements of a students’ parents (however, these are accessible to the parents).
- Investigation information collected for purposes of active or pending legal action, prior to such action.
- Investigation information collected for purposes of anticipated suspension or expulsion of students for disciplinary reasons, prior to the formal action.
- Psychological reports.
Access to Private Student Data
Private student data will be disclosed only to the following:
- The students who are the subject of the data.
- Any persons or agencies if the students have given informed consent. Informed consent requires the signing of a statement that includes the following:
- Date
- Indication of the expiration date, usually not to exceed one year
- Indication of who shall release and receive the information
- Information written in plain language
- Specifications of the nature of the data
- Specifications of the purposes for which information may be used
- Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions.
- Appropriate health authorities, but only to the extent necessary to administer immunization programs.
- Appropriate person or persons on the basis of a valid court order, or lawfully issued subpoena-but only after calling the court’s attention, through proper channels, to the statutory provisions, rules, or regulations which restrict the disclosure of such information.
- Appropriate persons in connection with student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid.
- Appropriate persons, if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the students or other persons.
- School and system office officials who have a legitimate educational interest. School official is defined as any person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel); students serving on official College committees or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks assisting qualified officials; a person or company with whom the college has contracted, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent; a person serving on the Minnesota State Board of Trustees, or the Century Foundation. A school official has legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
- Federal or state authorities in connection with the audit and evaluation of federally supported educational programs.
- Officials or to other schools, upon request of the students. See notice below.
- Organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of Century College for the purpose of the following:
- Administering student aid programs
- Developing, validating, or administering predictive tests
- Improving instruction.
(These studies must be conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students by persons other than representatives of such organizations, with the information to be destroyed when no longer needed for its purpose.)
- State and local officials, as may be required by state statute existing prior to November 19, 1974.
Notice: If you seek or intend to enroll in another educational institution, your education records will be provided as requested by that institution. If applicable, while concurrently enrolled in or receiving services from more than one educational institution, your education records will be available to officials of those institutions as appropriate. Disclosures of your records under other circumstances may require your prior written consent.
You have the right to request a copy of records that have been disclosed. You also have the right to request a hearing to correct any inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information in those disclosed records. For further information about your rights, please contact the Registrar at the college or university that supplied the records.
Students Rights Regarding Personal Information
Students asked to supply private or confidential data concerning themselves shall be informed of the following rights:
- Any known consequences arising from supplying or refusing to supply private or confidential data.
- The identity of other persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive the data.
- The purpose and intended use of the data.
- To be informed as to what is classified as directory information and, on request, have it treated as private data.
- To receive copies of private or public data (on self), the agency may charge a fee, which covers the actual costs involved for providing copies.
- To review all private or public data (on self) without any charge.
- Whether one may refuse or is legally required to supply the requested data.
- Whether the College maintains any data on him or her and the classification of that data-this includes confidential data. (Students must be told upon request of this information.)
- Students may, in writing, contest the accuracy or completeness of public or private data; the College shall within thirty days either correct the data found to be in error or notify the students that the College believes the data to be correct. If data is found to be incorrect, the College shall attempt to notify the past recipients. The students may appeal an adverse determination of the College through the provisions of the administrative procedures act, relating to contested cases.
- The permission or consent required of, and rights accorded to parents by statute or law, shall only be required for and accorded to the students.
- Students will be notified annually of their rights under FERPA; the Notification of Rights will be published in the registration guide.
College Terminology
ACCUPLACER Course Placement Testing - the method employed to assist students in understanding their academic readiness and to help ensure that they are placed into courses that will support their academic success.
Associate Degree - a two-year degree offered by colleges. Century College degrees: the Associate in Arts (AA), the Associate in Science (AS), the Associate in Fine Arts (AFA), and the Associate in Applied Science (AAS).
Career/Occupational Programs - programs designed to lead directly to employment or career advancement.
Certificate - an educational program and award focusing on career or occupational skills. Century College certificates are up to 30 credits in length.
Class Section - a group of students meeting to study a particular course at a definite time. Sections are identified by specific section numbers.
Corequisite - two or more courses required to be taken in the same term.
Course - a particular portion of a subject selected for study. A course is identified by a course number; for example, PSYC 1020 .
Course Title - a phrase descriptive of course content; for example, the course PSYC 1020 has a course title of General Psychology.
Credit Hour - the amount of credit usually earned by attending a class for fifty minutes a week for 15 weeks.
Curriculum - a group of courses planned to lead to some specific competence in a field of study and to a certificate, diploma or associate degree; for example, the accounting curriculum.
Degree - a title conferred by a college or university upon completion of a particular program of academic work. Typical degrees are the Associate in Arts (AA), the Bachelor of Arts (BA), and the Master of Arts (MA).
Diploma - an educational program and award focusing on career or occupation skills longer in length than a certificate. Century College diplomas are 31 credits or more in length.
Discipline - the subject or department prefix (example: MATH, PSYC).
Drop - discontinuing a class within the drop/add period. A drop is not recorded on students’ transcripts.
Drop/Add Period - a period at the beginning of each term when students may drop or add classes.
Elective - a nondesignated course within a program. An elective permits students to select some courses of their choice within their program.
Grade Point Average - a weighted numerical average which indicates how well students have done in college classes.
Grant - an outright award of funds, usually based on need, which does not have to be repaid.
Loan - a loan may be either federal, state, short-term or emergency awarding of money to students in need of financial assistance; it must be repaid.
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) - a collaborative effort among all two and four year public colleges and universities in Minnesota to help students transfer their coursework in general education. 40 credits are required in ten goal areas. These courses are also used in the general education portion of the AA, AFA, AS, AAS, diploma and certificate programs.
Prerequisite - a prerequisite is a body of knowledge or level of competence students should have achieved to ensure readiness for a course. In special circumstances, a prerequisite may be waived by approval of the appropriate department. Students are not permitted to register for courses for which prerequisites have not been met. A prerequisite is met by earning credit in a course. Some courses may have specific grade requirements. See course description for prerequisites and grade requirements.
Quarter - term or period of time in an academic year. There are three quarters and two summer sessions in most quarter system schools. One quarter typically is 10 weeks long.
Registration - the process of selecting courses, completing college forms, and paying fees, all of which must be completed prior to the beginning of classes each term.
Scholarships - monetary awards given to students in recognition of outstanding academic achievement. Scholarships are sometimes based on financial need as well as academic performance.
Semester - term or period of time in an academic year. There are two semesters and one or two summer sessions in most semester system schools. One semester typically is 15 weeks long.
Transcript - a record of a students’ academic standing and college courses and grades.
Transfer Programs - programs with courses leading to an Associate in Arts, Associate in Fine Arts, or Associate in Science degree which are generally accepted in transfer to bachelor degree granting colleges and universities.
Tuition - an amount of money charged to students for each course.
Withdrawal - discontinuing a course after the drop/add period but before the withdrawal deadline. A withdrawal is recorded on the transcript as a W. Withdrawals do not influence GPA, but do negatively impact academic progress.
Work Study - a program created in 1964. Both the federal and state government, as well as the college, provide funds for parttime employment on campus. Part- or fulltime students in need of financial assistance may apply in the Financial Aid office.