Mar 06, 2025
MKTG 1020 - Visual Merchandising and Store Planning Credits: 3 Hours/Week: Lecture None Lab None Course Description: This course emphasizes merchandise presentation as a seller’s tool for getting customers and clients “in touch” with branded products and services in conventional retail settings as well as non-traditional venues like grocery stores, special events, and trade shows. Students analyze branding and visual image in existing stores and devise ways to physically present products/services to targeted markets. They can expect to apply art principles and elements of design to create store fronts, floor plans, wall elevations, fixture layouts, lighting plans, and select site-appropriate props, mannequins and fixtures. The course stresses creativity and innovation in class projects as well as outside assignments related to student interests or current employment. MnTC Goals None
Prerequisite(s): None Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: MKTG 2050 and VCT 1013 , or ART 1020 , or ART 1041
Major Content
- the function of visual creativity relative to retail brand identity and other business activities
- ambiance and other atmospheric elements
- core design strategies - design elements and principles - to support selling efforts
- functions of a variety of store selling fixtures - conventional and custom
- mannequins and mannequin alternatives
- merchandising selling floors, walls, and fixtures using a planogram format
- planograms for a variety of selling floor situations
- presenting and accessorizing featured merchandise to create multiple sales
- signing
- store windows and editorial displays
- visual aspects of a storefront or business
- visual strategies for apparel, home furnishings, and other areas of application
- visual merchandising strategies for non-traditional venues - grocery stores, food service and hospitality, special event sites, trade shows, etc.
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- describe the function of visual creativity relative to retail branding and other business activities
- select visual branding strategies for apparel, home furnishings, and other areas of application
- select featured merchandise and appropriate accessories to create multiple sales
- communicate sales-support and wayfinding information with signing
- analyze the effectiveness of visual aspects of a storefront or business
- assess the effectiveness of ambiance and other atmospheric elements in a store
- select mannequins and mannequin alternatives compatible with brand image and decor
- plan store window and editorial displays
- evaluate store window and editorial displays
- employ core design strategies - design elements and art principles - to communicate brand and support sales
- explain the functions of a variety of selling fixtures - conventional and custom designed
- develop a workable planogram for a variety of selling floor situations
- merchandise selling floors, walls, and fixtures using planogram format
- apply visual merchandising strategies to non-traditional venues grocery stores, food service and hospitality, special event sites, trade shows, etc.
- design a project store or business using floor plans, elevations, logo design, signing, material specifications, etc.
Competency 1 (1-6) None Competency 2 (7-10) None Courses and Registration
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