Feb 22, 2025
ANTH 2061 - Anthropology of Human Nature Credits: 3 Hours/Week: Lecture 3 Course Description: This class introduces the broad anthropological study of behavior from a Darwinian perspective. Students explore the evidence concerning the evolution of primate behavior and the past several million years of human evolution with a strong emphasis on the behavior of our ancestors. Initial topics include a detailed introduction to natural selection and a brief survey of human evolution. This is followed by readings and lectures on the evolution of primate and human tool use, diet, food-sharing, cooperation, mate selection, sex, child-rearing, and conflict. Finally, the course explores cross-cultural patterns in modern human behavior. MnTC Goals 5 History/Social/Behavioral Science, 10 People/Environment
Prerequisite(s): Course placement into college-level English and Reading OR completion of ENGL 0950 with a grade of C or higher OR completion of RDNG 0940 with a grade of C or higher and qualifying English Placement Exam OR completion of RDNG 0950 with a grade of C or higher and ENGL 0090 with a grade of C or higher OR completion of ESOL 0051 with a grade of C or higher and ESOL 0052 with a grade of C or higher. Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: ANTH 1021 or ANTH 1022 with a grade of C or higher.
Major Content
- Introduction to Anthropology
- Human evolution
- Primate behavior
- The evolution of human behavior
- The evolution of human parenting
- Human universals
- Human evolutionary psychology
- Human conflict
- Social science writing instruction
- The history of evolutionary thought
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- analyze the basic principles of natural selection.
- construct an argumentative paper built around an evolutionary thesis.
- evaluate claims concerning the nature/nurture debate regarding human behavior.
- analyze the data on universal patterns of modern human behavior.
- explain the evolution of human behavior.
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC): Goals and Competencies Competency Goals (MnTC Goals 1-6) 05. 01. Employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
05. 02. Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.
05. 03. Use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories. Theme Goals (MnTC Goals 7-10) 10. 01. Explain the basic structure and function of various natural ecosystems and of human adaptive strategies within those systems.
10. 02. Discern patterns and interrelationships of bio-physical and socio-cultural systems.
10. 03. Describe the basic institutional arrangements (social, legal, political, economic, religious) that are evolving to deal with environmental and natural resource challenges.
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