Feb 23, 2025  
2025-2026 Course Catalog 
2025-2026 Course Catalog
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AST 1045 - Standard Drive Train

Credits: 4
Hours/Week: Lecture 2 Lab 4
Course Description: This course covers the theory and operation of manual transmissions/transaxles,clutches, RWD, universal joints, FWD, constant velocity joints, differentials, and 4-wheel drive systems. Group activities and shop work include the adjustments, repair, replacement and/or rebuilding of these units. Students must be able to perform physical tasks to complete course requirements. This course requires completion of or to be concurrently enrolled in AST 1005 , AST 1015 , AST 1025 , and AST 1035 .
MnTC Goals

Prerequisite(s): Course placement into ENGL 0950  and RDNG 0950  or above OR completion of RDNG 0940  with a grade of C or higher OR course placement into ESOL 0051  and ESOL 0052  and ESOL 1033  OR completion of ESOL 0041  with a grade of C or higher and ESOL 0042  with a grade of C or higher and ESOL 0043  with a grade of C or higher. 
Corequisite(s): None
Recommendation: None

Major Content
  1. Safety procedures and precautions related to automotive drive trains
  2. Clutch fundamentals, diagnosis, and service
  3. Manual transmission and transaxle fundamentals, diagnosis, and repair
  4. FWD fundamentals, diagnosis, and
  5. RWD fundamentals, diagnosis, and service
  6. Driveline vibration
  7. Maintenance and operational techniques of related tools and equipment

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:

  1. identify safety procedures and precautions related to standard drive train.
  2. describe standard drive train theory and operation.
  3. identify manual drive train components and related parts.
  4. rebuild manual drive train systems to industry standards.
  5. demonstrate the proper operation of specialty equipment and tools.
  6. perform NATEF tasks related to manual drive train systems

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC): Goals and Competencies
Competency Goals (MnTC Goals 1-6)
Theme Goals (MnTC Goals 7-10)

Courses and Registration

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