Feb 23, 2025  
2025-2026 Course Catalog 
2025-2026 Course Catalog
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CJS 2085 - Juvenile Justice and Delinquency

Credits: 3
Hours/Week: Lecture 3
Course Description: This course is an introductory survey of the juvenile justice system with specific coverage of terminology, laws, and procedures unique to the juvenile in the system. This course also covers theories of delinquency, delinquent acts, corrective actions, custody, and disposition. There is a 25-hour service-learning requirement in both CJS 2081  and CJS 2085 for a total of 50 hours. Students are advised not to enroll in both courses during the same semester.
MnTC Goals

Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Recommendation: Course placement into college-level English and Reading OR completion of ENGL 0950   with a grade of C or higher OR completion of RDNG 0940   with a grade of C or higher and qualifying English Placement Exam OR completion of RDNG 0950   with a grade of C or higher and ENGL 0090   with a grade of C or higher OR completion of ESOL 0051   with a grade of C or higher and ESOL 0052   with a grade of C or higher.

Major Content
  1. The historical development of delinquency and the juvenile justice system
  2. Juvenile crime: measurement and analysis
  3. Theoretical explanations for juvenile offending
  4. Female delinquency
  5. Schools, school crimes and student rights
  6. Classification of delinquency
  7. Victimization of juveniles
  8. The juvenile justice process
  9. Juveniles and the police
  10. Juvenile court structure and process: intake, diversion, and restorative justice
  11. Legal rights for juveniles: adjudication, disposition and appeal
  12. Juvenile correctional process and institutions
  13. Juvenile parole, group homes, and adoption
  14. Delinquency prevention and treatment for juveniles
  15. Juvenile punishment versus rehabilitation
  16. Child custody: parents versus the state

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:

  1. explain how law enforcement management of status offenses and local ordinance violations can positively impact a community.(1.5.7.)
  2. explain the history of and philosophy behind an independent juvenile justice system.(2.7.1.)
  3. define status offense, give examples of status offenses that can only be committed by a juvenile and discuss the limits of peace officer authority in relationship to status offenses.(2.7.2.)
  4. explain the key elements of the juvenile justice system including:
    1. the levels of juvenile offenses,
    2. criminal conviction versus adjudicated delinquent, and adult versus juvenile offense charges,
    3. the juvenile court system and dispositions available to youthful offenders, and
    4. the impact of juvenile case law on peace officers including:  In Re Gault, In Re Winship, McKiever vs. Pennsylvania, Fare vs. Michael C., and New Jersey vs. T.L.O. (2.7.3.)
  5. discuss the law enforcement officer’s responsibility for working as a team member with juvenile protective-services professionals. (2.7.4.)
  6. identify and discuss actions that are required when processing juveniles including:
    1. when photos may be taken, when they are required and when they must be forwarded to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension,
    2. when juveniles can and cannot be used in a photo line-up,
    3. the services provided by the intake officer/counselor,
    4. the laws that apply to legally interviewing a juvenile,
    5. parental notification requirements,
    6. the setting and procedures for holding conferences with juveniles and their parents,
    7. the criteria needed for obtaining secure and non-secure custody orders,
    8. factors to consider when making emergency placement of children, and
    9. legal detentions of juveniles. (2.7.5.)
  7. discuss the problem of sexual exploitation of youth including: the cycle of recruitment, the meaning of sex trafficking and its impact on sex trafficking victims, the makeup of typical users of sexually exploited youth, how sexually exploited youth are marketed, resources for victims of human trafficking and barriers to getting help, and the consequences of sexual exploitation of youth and the significance of intervention on victims and society.(2.7.6)
  8. explain the legal definitions and significant aspects of Minnesota statutes related to child and vulnerable adult assault, abuse and neglect. (2.15.1.)
  9. identify physical and behavioral indicators that aid officers in determining the likelihood of physical, psychological, emotional or sexual abuse, or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult has occurred. (2.15.2.)
  10. research the personal and situational characteristics of parents who abuse their children in order to gain insight into the individual and family dynamics that produce abusive behavior. (2.15.3.)
  11. describe community resources and supportive services for individuals and families involved in abusive situations. (2.15.4.)
  12. define the term in loco parentis and describe the role of a guardian ad litem. (2.15.5.)
  13. explain child development issues that may enable officers to respond appropriately to perceived child protection situations (Minn. Stat. 626.8455) and discuss law enforcement related scenarios where officers need to consider the psychological development of children on scene. (2.15.6.)
  14. explain officer reporting requirements relative to incidents of maltreatment neglect, or physical or sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults and prenatal exposure to controlled substances (Minn. Stat. 626.556, Subd. 3. and Minn. Stat. 626.557). (2.15.7.)
  15. describe who is mandated to report suspected child and vulnerable adult abuse and the ramifications of not reporting. (2.15.8.)
  16. discuss resources law enforcement may partner with to assess and investigate incidents of maltreatment or to provide services to child or vulnerable adult victims. (2.15.9.)
  17. compare and contrast familial, acquaintance and stranger types of child abductions. (2.15.10.)
  18. explain the term “Drug Endangered Children,” the immediate and future risks related to children living in drug related environments, and the impact of rescuing drug-endangered children may have on breaking the cycle of drug abuse and crime prevention. (2.15.11.)
  19. discuss the need for protection of data related to on-going investigations, crime victims, and juveniles. (2.22.3.)
  20. discuss the appeal of gang membership, how gangs recruit members, and prevention and intervention methods. (2.26.2.)
  21. discuss interview considerations and techniques for interviewing children, vulnerable adults and traumatized victims. (3.2.2.)
  22. discuss how and why interviewing techniques must vary depending on the interviewee and the circumstances, i.e., when interviewing children, traumatized victims. (3.2.3.)
  23. identify mandatory reporters of suspected abuse and discuss where to report, what must be reported, the confidentiality of reports, and the legal ramifications for not reporting. (3.14.5.)
  24. discuss the collaborative child abuse team approach in investigating child abuse. (3.14.6.)
  25. discuss special interview consideration when dealing with children including the terms suggestibility and child centered interviewing. (3.14.7.)
  26. explain child welfare holds that allow officers to remove children from at-risk situations. (3.14.8.)
  27. explain or demonstrate law enforcement procedures for responding to situations and crime scenes involving juveniles as victims and/or offenders including:
    1. enforcing status offense laws,
    2. apply laws applicable to interviewing a juvenile,
    3.  explaining the 72 hour hold rule governing shelter placements, the 36 hour hold rule governing detention hold, parent or guardian notification requirements regarding placements and detentions, and custody and liability issues,
    4. applying appropriate data practices rules governing incidents involving juveniles including who may request and receive juvenile data, and
    5. explaining to whom a juvenile may be released (3.14.48.)
  28. describe the role the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension plays as a resource in missing person investigations, missing and endangered children and child abductions. (3.14.51.)
  29. describe important information to gather relative to a report of a missing child or an endangered person. (3.14.52.)
  30. describe data systems and resources available to Minnesota law enforcement in the investigation of missing children and endangered persons. (3.14.53.)

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC): Goals and Competencies
Competency Goals (MnTC Goals 1-6)
Ethical and Civic Responsibility
Theme Goals (MnTC Goals 7-10)

Courses and Registration

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