Feb 23, 2025
ESOL 0022 - Reading II Credits: 5 Hours/Week: Lecture None Lab None Course Description: This course focuses on increasing your ability to comprehend a variety of written material. You will learn to skim for main ideas and scan for specific information. You will also develop your ability to understand vocabulary through context clues and a dictionary. MnTC Goals None
Prerequisite(s): Appropriate scores on the language proficiency test with background information, oral interview, and writing sample. Students should take advantage of community based ABE/ESL programs and have some previous English reading, writing and speaking experience, along with some previous formal educational experiences to build basic academic skills. Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: None
Major Content
- Reading Strategies and Skills
- Using pre-reading to enhance comprehension
- Using contextual clues
- Skimming to develop a context or to find main ideas
- Scanning for key words
- Separating main ideas from supports
- Finding logical relationships between ideas
- Increasing reading speed through word recognition
- Summarizing passages after reading
- Vocabulary Skills
- Using a dictionary to:
- Find the pronunciation of words (especially stress) and part of speech
- Select appropriate definition for a word in a context
- Understand meanings of abbreviations used (v.t., adj., esp.)
- Identify related word forms
- Using context clues to guess/infer word meaning
- Using basic affixes
- Developing individual learning strategies
- Deciphering common acronyms and abbreviations
- Text Types
- Descriptions
- Directions/processes
- Fiction/non-fiction
- Websites
- Academic Skills in U.S. Culture
- Highlighting & underlining
- Test-taking
- Recognizing and applying strategies for multiple choice and short answer tests
- Resource Materials
- Becoming familiar with library materials and procedures
- Finding online information
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- use pre-, during-, and post-reading strategies to enhance comprehension
- identify main and supporting ideas in a variety of text types
- use context to choose the correct definition of a word with and without a dictionary
- identify the part of speech and application of a word using context
- develop individualized strategies for learning vocabulary words
- summarize a passage
- use context clues to infer meaning
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC): Goals and Competencies Competency Goals (MnTC Goals 1-6) None Theme Goals (MnTC Goals 7-10) None
Courses and Registration
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