Feb 23, 2025  
2025-2026 Course Catalog 
2025-2026 Course Catalog
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SOLR 2020 - Advanced Photovoltaic Systems

Credits: 3
Hours/Week: Lecture None Lab None
Course Description: This course will provide an introduction to photovoltaic (PV) systems design, installation, operation, and maintenance for residential and commercial applications. Students will collect and interpret data. They will apply this data to the design and configuration of grid-tied and standalone system designs.
MnTC Goals

Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Recommendation: PHYS 1020  

Major Content
  1. Introduction to Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
  2. Solar Radiation
  3. Site Surveys and Preplanning - PV Specific
  4. PV System Components & Configurations
  5. PV Cells, Modules and Arrays
  6. Battery Systems
  7. Charge Controllers
  8. Inverters
  9. PV Systems Sizing
  10. PV Integration and Mounting Systems
  11. Electrical Integration
  12. Utility Interconnection
  13. PV System Permitting and Inspection
  14. PV System Commissioning

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:

  1. compare the advantages, disadvantages to evaluate the design priorities of installing a PV system
  2. describe the purposes of the major components in PV systems.
  3. identify the common types of energy storage systems.
  4. compare the functions of various power conditioning devices.
  5. compare the features and requirements of various system configurations.
  6. identify the relationships between PV cells, modules, and arrays.
  7. describe the photovoltaic effect and the fundamentals of PV cells.
  8. describe the photovoltaic effect and the fundamentals of PV cells.
  9. describe the construction and features of modules.
  10. differentiate between flat-plate collectors and concentrating collectors.
  11. differentiate between solar irradiance (power) and solar irradiation (energy).
  12. describe how array orientations can maximize the solar energy gain on modules.
  13. demonstrate how solar radiation and climate data are used in sizing and estimating performance for PV systems.
  14. explain the purposes of data monitoring and discuss options for collecting system data.
  15. describe the various performance rating conditions for modules.
  16. describe the operation of batteries and their discharging and charging characteristics.
  17. describe major principles and considerations for designing battery banks.
  18. identify the principle functions and features of charge controllers.
  19. define charge regulation and load control setpoints.
  20. identify basic waveform types and properties.
  21. compare applications for static inverters.
  22. explain the basic types of inverters used in PV systems and describe their operation.
  23. understand inverter specifications and ratings.
  24. describe the primary factors that affect system sizing.
  25. determine the system energy and power requirements from a load analysis.
  26. calculate the size and configuration of the battery bank based on system requirements.
  27. calculate the size and configuration of the array based on system requirements.
  28. identify the key considerations for integrating arrays on buildings and other structures.
  29. identify the electrical codes, regulations, and recommendations applicable to PV systems.
  30. calculate the voltage and current limits for various circuits of a PV system.
  31. identify the appropriate types of conductors for PV system circuits based on application and environment.
  32. describe the required types of disconnects and their installation.
  33. differentiate between acceptable PV system grounding methods.
  34. describe the functions and requirements of electrical balance-of-system (BOS) components.
  35. identify the applicable codes and standards for utility interconnection.
  36. differentiate between load-side and supply-side interconnections and identify the requirements for each type.
  37. describe the common requirements for permit applications.
  38. describe the labeling requirements for PV system components and configurations.
  39. describe the steps involved with commissioning a new PV system.
  40. identify the maintenance tasks involved with maximizing array output, battery health, and other equipment operation.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC): Goals and Competencies
Competency Goals (MnTC Goals 1-6)
Theme Goals (MnTC Goals 7-10)

Courses and Registration

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