Mar 06, 2025
THTR 1041 - Theatre Production and Design Credits: 4 Hours/Week: Lecture 3 Lab 2 Course Description: In this course, students explore how plays “come to life” on stage through scenery, costumes, lighting and sound. Students explore basic theory and practice of production, tools and building methods, design principles, traditions of theatre design, and creating designs which enhance the meaning of plays in performance. Problem-solving in designing and running shows helps students experience “real world” issues in technical theatre. Students have opportunities to gain skills and insight in many technical and backstage areas through hands on experience with Century Theatre productions. MnTC Goals 6 Humanities/Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: None
Major Content
- The Building/Running Process
- Scenery & Props
- Costumes
- Lighting & Sound
- Stage Management
- IDesign from a Critical/Historical Perspective
- Greek
- Roman
- Renaissance
- Illusionistic
- Realistic
- Anti-Realistic
- Postmodern
- IThe Designers’ Role
- Communication/Cooperation/Creativity
- Working with the Director
- Working on the Design Team
- Working with the Stage Manager
- Reinforcing the Action as well as the Script
- Scenery & Props
- Period style & form
- Building, buying, or renting?
- Costumes
- Period style & form
- Building, buying, or renting?
- Lighting & Sound
- Color in light and emotion
- Creating an atmosphere
- Basic Design Principles
- Elements of Design: Line, shape, color, texture, style, action
- Principles of Composition
- Harmony, Contrast, Variation, Pattern, Gradation
- Scene Design Realization Process
- Director’s Floor Plan
- Painter’s Elevation
- White Model
- Shop Floor Plan
- Rear Elevation
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- identify the purpose of individual technical apparatus.
- define terms used in the production of technical theatre.
- identify and describe the purpose of individual technical apparatus.
- identify and describe the purpose of individual technical apparatus.
- identify and describe the purpose of individual technical apparatus.
- Identify and discuss the technical elements of a live professional production using terms and principles gained in class.
- critique the artistic use of technical media in production.
Competency 1 (1-6) 06. 01. Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
06. 03. Engage in the creative process or interpretive performance.
06. 04. Engage in the creative process or interpretive performance.
06. 05. Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities. Competency 2 (7-10) None Courses and Registration
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