Dec 30, 2024
CSCI 1060 - Introduction to Programming with Python Credits: 3 Hours/Week: Lecture 3 Lab None Course Description: Course activities focus on the use of the Python language to provide a comprehensive introduction to fundamental programming concepts for students interested in exploring computer programming for the first time. Program logic, algorithm design, and fundamental programming structures are emphasized. Course activities focus on the use of Python to design, code, debug, and test programs of moderate complexity. Gaining knowledge of these concepts and techniques will prepare the beginning student to learn additional programming languages. MnTC Goals None
Prerequisite(s): Course placement into MATH 0070 or above or completion of MATH 0030 with a grade of C or higher. Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: Basic computer competency (use of keyboard, mouse, Windows).
Major Content
- Overview and introduction
- Basic overview of computer operation
- Programs and programming languages
- Program creation and translation process
- Algorithms
- Programming structures (presented using both flowcharts and programming language)
- Variables and data types
- Simple input and output
- Mathematical operators and expressions
- Logical operator and relational expressions
- Conditional statements including if and switch
- Loops including for and while loops
- Simple data structures
- Single and multi-dimensional arrays
- Structures
- Applications and programming techniques
- Functions
- Function definitions and prototypes
- Parameter passing and returning values
- Use in modular decomposition
- Simple file input and output
- Program development
- Basic program design using flowcharts and pseudocode
- Techniques for debugging and testing.
- Effective documentation and programming style
- Programming tools including compiler, editor, flowcharts.
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- describe the difference between a program’s logic and its syntax.
- describe essential programming concepts including variables, conditions, loops and input/output.
- write flowcharts that completely and accurately describe an algorithm.
- describe more advanced programming concepts including procedures, arrays and the use of files.
- write, compile, and run programs that include fundamental programming elements such as variable declarations, repetitions and procedure calls.
- describe event-driven programming.
- describe the relationship between event-driven programming and writing a program that utilizes a graphical user interface (GUI) or graphical environment.
- use a variety of debugging techniques (e.g., single-stepping and break-pointing) to successfully debug programs.
Competency 1 (1-6) None Competency 2 (7-10) None Courses and Registration
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