Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Course Catalog 
2019-2020 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MATH 0060 - Algebra Fundamentals for General Education

Credits: 5
Hours/Week: Lecture 5 Lab None
Course Description: This course is a developmental course for students needing an appropriate algebra background for statistics and liberal arts mathematics courses. Topics include: algebraic operations and properties of real numbers; solving linear and absolute value equations and inequalities; applications of linear equations and inequalities; slope, intercepts, and equations of lines. Other topics covered: the properties of exponents, operations with polynomial, rational, and square root expressions; solving nonlinear equations including quadratic, rational, and square root equations; graphing linear and non-linear functions; set theory; sequences and summations; and systems of linear equations. Use of graphing technology, such as the TI-84, is required (see instructor for acceptable models). Students intending to take MATH 1061 - College Algebra I , should not take MATH 0060. Offered F, S, SS.
MnTC Goals

Prerequisite(s): Assessment score placement in MATH 0060.
Corequisite(s): None
Recommendation: None

Major Content
  1. Foundations of Algebra
    1. Sets of numbers ¿ Whole, Natural, Integer, Rational, Irrational, and Real
    2. Order of operations with real numbers and algebraic expressions
    3. Evaluating and simplifying algebraic expressions
    4. Properties of exponents
    5. Operations with polynomial
    6. Rational expressions
    7. Square root expressions
  2. Solving Equations and Inequalities
    1. Solutions of equations
    2. First degree equations and inequalities in one variable
    3. Literal equations
    4. Absolute value equations and inequalities
    5. Quadratic equations and extracting square roots
    6. Rational equations
    7. Square root equations
    8. Applications
  3. Functions and Graphs
    1. Linear functions
    2. Slope, intercepts, and applications of lines
    3. Non-linear functions and graphs
    4. Representing data
    5. Graphing functions with technology
    6. Solving systems of equations
  4. Formulas
    1. Evaluating and manipulating formulas
    2. Geometry, including the Pythagorean Theorem
    3. Variation
    4. Compound interest and finance
    5. Exponential growth and decay
  5. Discrete Mathematical Models
    1. Set descriptions and operations
    2. Venn diagrams
    3. Counting and introductory probability
    4. Sequences and summations
    5. Inductive reasoning
    6. Arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
    7. Applications

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:

  1. demonstrate critical and logical reasoning when solving problems
  2. evaluate and simplify expressions with the order of operations and the rules of exponents.
  3. explore functions and relationships.
  4. graph linear and nonlinear functions in two variables symbolically and with technology.
  5. interpret the slope and intercepts of a line in an applied setting.
  6. simplify algebraic expressions, including linear, polynomial, rational, and square root.
  7. solve equations, including linear, quadratic, absolute value, polynomial, rational, and square root.
  8. solve linear and absolute value inequalities symbolically, including compound inequalities.
  9. write the equation of a line given certain conditions.
  10. communicate clearly a problem¿s solution and its explanation for the intended audience in terms of the problem posed.
  11. model and solve applied problems with algebraic methods, including linear, rational, square root, and quadratic equations, and linear inequalities.
  12. model and solve problems with sequences and summations.
  13. model and solve problems with set operations and Venn diagrams.
  14. solve systems of linear equations symbolically and graphically.

Competency 1 (1-6)
Competency 2 (7-10)

Courses and Registration

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