Dec 21, 2024  
2019-2020 Course Catalog 
2019-2020 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MATH 0090 - Introductory Trigonometry

Credits: 2
Hours/Week: Lecture None Lab None
Course Description: This course is designed for students who have never had a course in trigonometry or who need to review trigonometry before attempting college level trigonometry. Topics include definitions of trigonometric functions, solving right triangles, laws of sines and cosines, trigonometric identities, trigonometric equations, radian measure, graphs of trigonometric functions. MATH 0090 may be taken concurrently with MATH 1061 . A graphing calculator is required. Instruction will be provided in the use of the TI-83/TI-84 calculator.
MnTC Goals

Prerequisite(s): MATH 0070  with a grade of C or higher, or assessment score placement in MATH 0090.
Corequisite(s): None
Recommendation: None

Major Content
  1. Trig Definitions from a Right Triangle
  2. General Trig Functions
  3. Solving Right Triangles
  4. Laws of Sines and Cosines
  5. Basic Identities
  6. Other Identities
  7. Solving Trig Equations
  8. Radian Measure
  9. Graphing Sine and Cosine

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate critical and logical reasoning when solving problems.
  2. Solve problems involving similar triangles.
  3. Convert between degree measure and radian measure.
  4. Define trigonometric functions in terms of right triangles and the rectangular coordinate system.
  5. Evaluate trigonometric functions of angles whose reference angle is a special angle by hand.
  6. Evaluate trigonometric functions of any angle with technology.
  7. Simplify trigonometric expressions using basic trigonometric identities.
  8. Solve right triangles.
  9. Apply the Laws of Sines and Cosines to solve triangles.
  10. Apply the sum and difference identities.
  11. Communicate clearly a problems solution and its explanation for the intended audience in terms of the problem posed.
  12. Determine the period, amplitude, and translation of sine and cosine functions symbolically.
  13. Find the area of a triangle using trigonometric formulas.
  14. Graph sine, cosine, and tangent functions and their transformations by hand and with technology.
  15. Model and solve Applied problems using the techniques of trigonometry.
  16. Solve trigonometric equations symbolically in degrees and radians.
  17. Verify trigonometric identities.

Competency 1 (1-6)
Competency 2 (7-10)

Courses and Registration

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