Feb 06, 2025
MATH 0060 - Algebra Fundamentals for General Education Credits: 5 Hours/Week: Lecture 5 Lab None Course Description: This course is a developmental course for students needing an appropriate algebra background for statistics and liberal arts mathematics courses. Topics include: algebraic operations and properties of real numbers; solving linear and absolute value equations and inequalities; applications of linear equations and inequalities; slope, intercepts, and equations of lines. Other topics covered: the properties of exponents, operations with polynomial, rational, and square root expressions; solving nonlinear equations including quadratic, rational, and square root equations; graphing linear and non-linear functions; set theory; sequences and summations; and systems of linear equations. Use of graphing technology, such as the TI-84, is required (see instructor for acceptable models). Students intending to take MATH 1061 - College Algebra I , should not take MATH 0060. Offered F, S, SS. MnTC Goals None
Prerequisite(s): Assessment score placement in MATH 0060. Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: None
Major Content
- Foundations of Algebra
- Sets of numbers ¿ Whole, Natural, Integer, Rational, Irrational, and Real
- Order of operations with real numbers and algebraic expressions
- Evaluating and simplifying algebraic expressions
- Properties of exponents
- Operations with polynomial
- Rational expressions
- Square root expressions
- Solving Equations and Inequalities
- Solutions of equations
- First degree equations and inequalities in one variable
- Literal equations
- Absolute value equations and inequalities
- Quadratic equations and extracting square roots
- Rational equations
- Square root equations
- Applications
- Functions and Graphs
- Linear functions
- Slope, intercepts, and applications of lines
- Non-linear functions and graphs
- Representing data
- Graphing functions with technology
- Solving systems of equations
- Formulas
- Evaluating and manipulating formulas
- Geometry, including the Pythagorean Theorem
- Variation
- Compound interest and finance
- Exponential growth and decay
- Discrete Mathematical Models
- Set descriptions and operations
- Venn diagrams
- Counting and introductory probability
- Sequences and summations
- Inductive reasoning
- Arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums
- Applications
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- demonstrate critical and logical reasoning when solving problems
- evaluate and simplify expressions with the order of operations and the rules of exponents.
- explore functions and relationships.
- graph linear and nonlinear functions in two variables symbolically and with technology.
- interpret the slope and intercepts of a line in an applied setting.
- simplify algebraic expressions, including linear, polynomial, rational, and square root.
- solve equations, including linear, quadratic, absolute value, polynomial, rational, and square root.
- solve linear and absolute value inequalities symbolically, including compound inequalities.
- write the equation of a line given certain conditions.
- communicate clearly a problem¿s solution and its explanation for the intended audience in terms of the problem posed.
- model and solve applied problems with algebraic methods, including linear, rational, square root, and quadratic equations, and linear inequalities.
- model and solve problems with sequences and summations.
- model and solve problems with set operations and Venn diagrams.
- solve systems of linear equations symbolically and graphically.
Competency 1 (1-6) None Competency 2 (7-10) None Courses and Registration
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