Feb 06, 2025
2018-2019 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Law Enforcement, AS
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Total Credits: 68
Major Number: 5505
CIP Code: 43.0107
Program Description
In this AS degree program, students meet the Professional Peace Officer Education (PPOE) academic objectives required by the Peace Officer Standards Training (POST) Board; students choose a certified skills provider institution to earn the final 8-12 career credits (credits depend on which certified skills provider institution students attend). In addition to transferring to other colleges or universities, students who complete the AS degree at Century College are eligible to take a POST Board licensing exam in order to be eligible for licensure and to apply for law enforcement positions in Minnesota.
Program Prerequisites
Law enforcement students must meet minimum selection standards under Minnesota Rule 6700.0700 before they will be admitted to the Century College Law Enforcement Professional Peace Officer Education (PPOE) program. According to Minnesota Rule, no student may be admitted to the PPOE who has been convicted of any of the crimes listed in Minnesota Rule 6700.0700.
Special Instructions
Prior to their first semester, students must complete and submit their criminal history background and driving record. Prior to acceptance to the final skills semester of the degree, students must submit approval from medical and psychological professionals that meets POST Board requirements.
Career/Occupational Requirements
PPOE Skills (Category 3 and 4) through POST certified provider and Career/Occupational Elective Requirements
Career/Occupational Elective Requirements
None MnTC/General Education Requirements
Goal 2: Critical Thinking
Fulfilled when all MnTC goals for this degree are complete. Goal 3 and/or 4: Natural Sciences/Math/Logical Reasoning
Minimum of 4 credits; one course from either Goal 3 and/or Goal 4. NOTE: Goal 4 courses must be numbered between MATH 1025 and MATH 1082 , or PHIL 1041 , if intending to transfer into a Bachelor degree, a lab science is recommended. Goal 5: History/Social/Behavioral Sciences
Goal 6: Humanities/Fine Arts
Goals 7-10: Theme Goals
Three credits in each of two Goal areas selected from Goals 7, 8, 9 or 10 are required. Many courses from Goals 1-6 also meet Goals 7-10. One course may fulfill a maximum of two Goals. Credits count only once. Goal 8: Global Perspectives
Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility
Goal 10: People and the Environment
MnTC Elective Requirements
None Additional Elective Requirements
None Additional Requirements
The Law Enforcement program requires 80 hours of service learning attached to CJS 2081 and CJS 2085 . Program Information
General Requirements for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates See Century College Policy Program Note Overall GPA of 2.0 required across all coursework with a minimum of 2.5 GPA in PPOE courses and minimum grade of C in PPOE courses as well in order to be accepted in Hennepin Technical College Skills program. Transfer, Articulation Agreements, and Partnerships See the Century College website for information regarding transfer. This degree program is designed for both employment preparation and transfer. Some of the courses may not transfer to a number of four-year colleges. If you are considering the possibility of transfer, you may wish to talk with your advisor, counselor, or program instructor before registering to discuss your goals, look at programs designed for transfer, and develop a plan. An articulation agreement exists for this degree with Metropolitan State University and Bemidji State University. Program Learning Outcomes At the end of this program students will be able to: - Demonstrate knowledge of behavioral science and sociological concepts, allowing the student to be successful at interacting with and understanding a diverse population as a peace officer.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the entire criminal justice system, including the roles of local, county, state, and federal police organizations, the courts, and corrections.
- Demonstrate an understanding of and the effective application of ethical standards so as to uphold the public’s trust in the law enforcement profession.
- Have the requisite knowledge, skill, and ability to transfer successfully into the 3rd year of baccalaureate degrees in law enforcement or related fields at other colleges and universities.
- Demonstrate effective communication, decision-making, and critical thinking skills as demanded in the law enforcement profession.
Program Contact Information Mary Vukelich mary.vukelich@century.edu 651.779.3981 Room 1229 East Sample Plan
Please note that this is a sample course sequence. Individual schedules will vary depending upon student needs, goals, and availability. Students are recommended to meet with their advisor, counselor, or faculty program instructors to create an individualized plan that includes prerequisites and application requirements. For detailed program information see the Century College website. This information is subject to change. Semester 5
- PPOE Skills (Category 3 and 4) through certified provider Credits: 8-12
This information is subject to change. Changes and updates are posted on century.edu Century College is a member of the Minnesota State system. We are an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. This document can be available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 651.779.3354 or 1.800.228.1978 x 3354. |
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