Feb 12, 2025
2019-2020 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Individualized Studies, AAS
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Total Credits: 60
Major Number: 5834
CIP Code: 30.9999
Program Description
This award is intended for students seeking an Associate degree, which is not currently offered at Century College. Students will work with college staff, faculty, and industry experts to assist the student in designing the award, and the final version of the Individualized Studies AAS for each student will require approval from the college.
Program Prerequisites
See the College web site for the Individualized Studies Degree Planning Guide including application and information on Individualized Studies planning assistance.
After participating in a series of planning meetings, students will select courses that form their Individualized Studies AAS degree plan. This can be done in three different ways:
- Multidisciplinary- coursework is from more than one discipline in unrelated areas
- Interdisciplinary- coursework is from more than one discipline but the coursework is tied together thematically
- Intradisciplinary- coursework is from within the same discipline
Special Instructions
See the Individualized Studies program webpage for information on the development, review, and approval process of a degree plan.
Career/Occupational Requirements After participating in a series of planning meetings, students will select courses that form their Individualized Studies AAS degree plan. Career/Occupational Elective Requirements
None MnTC/General Education Requirements
Goal 2: Critical Thinking
Fulfilled when all MnTC goals for this degree are complete. Goal 3 and/or 4: Natural Sciences/Math/Logical Reasoning
Minimum of 3 credits; one course from either Goal 3 and/or Goal 4. NOTE: Goal 3 courses do not have to be lab courses. Goal 4 courses must be numbered between MATH 1025 and MATH 1082 , or PHIL 1041 Goal 5: History/Social/Behavioral Sciences
Minimum of 3 credits. Goal 6: Humanities/Fine Arts
Minimum of 3 credits. Goals 7-10: Theme Goals
Three credits in one Goal area selected from Goals 7, 8, 9 or 10 are required. Many courses from Goals 1-6 also meet Goals 7-10. One course may fulfill a maximum of two Goals. Credits count only once. Goal 8: Global Perspectives
Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility
Goal 10: People and the Environment
MnTC Elective Requirements
Additional Elective Requirements
None Additional Requirements
None Program Information
General Requirements for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates See Century College Policy Program Note - Students and prospective students that may be candidates for Individualized Studies awards include those that are undeclared, students that have earned some credits but did not complete an award, transfer students with credits that may not have equivalent Century credits, students that wish to explore more than one program, and students with experience that may result in credit for prior learning.
- Students may meet with staff, faculty, and/or a Century counselor/advsior to discuss or complete the following activities:
- GPS LifePlan resources
- Assess personal traits
- Outline prior learning experience; credit for prior learning options
- Examine academic strengths and weaknesses
- Explore career areas of interest
- Identify academic goals and career objectives
- Compare self-assessments with career objectives
- Identification of learning goals and outcomes
- Develop semester by semester completion plan
- Each student will develop and document their Individualized Studies award plan. A template will guide students and include:
- Development of Educational Goals Statement
- Determination of Career/Occupational Requirements
- Determination of General Education/MnTC Courses
- Consultation with college/university representative regarding transfer opportunities and/or professional in the field of interest
Transfer, Articulation Agreements, and Partnerships See the Century College website for information regarding transfer. This program is intended primarily for employment preparation rather than transfer to a four-year institution. Some courses may not transfer to a number of four-year colleges. If you are considering the possibility of transfer, you may wish to talk with your advisor, counselor, or program instructor before registering to discuss your goals, look at programs designed for transfer, and develop a plan. Program Contact Information Andrew Nesset 651.773.1705 Room 3238 West Sample Plan
Please note that this is a sample course sequence. Individual schedules will vary depending upon student needs, goals, and availability. Students are recommended to meet with their advisor, counselor, or faculty program instructors to create an individualized plan that includes prerequisites and application requirements. For detailed program information see the Century College website. This information is subject to change. Semester 4
- Career/Occupational Requirement Credits: 3
- Career/Occupational Requirement Credits: 3
- Career/Occupational Requirement Credits: 3
- Career/Occupational Requirement Credits: 3
- MnTC Goal 6: Humanities/Fine Arts Credits: 3
This information is subject to change. Changes and updates are posted on century.edu Century College is a member of the Minnesota State system. We are an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. This document can be available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 651.779.3354 or 1.800.228.1978 x 3354. |
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