Feb 12, 2025  
2023-2024 Course Catalog 
2023-2024 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services and Resources

Staying Informed

Cancellation of Classes

Classes may be canceled due to an instructor’s illness or faculty professional development activities or other emergencies. When absences are known in advance, instructors will notify students during class periods and give alternative assignments. For unplanned absences, a notice will be posted outside the classroom and on the Century’s website informing the students that the class will not be held, and it may include special instructions.

Cancellation due to inclement weather will be posted on Century’s website and announced via Star Alert.

Star Alert Emergency Notification

StarAlert is a text and e-mail messaging service the College uses in the event of campus closures or delays during emergency events. The StarAlert service system will automatically sign you up. You will have the ability to opt-out. For information on opting out, visit the Public Safety Website.

Woody Chatbot

With federal CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEERF) funds, Century College purchased a technology application to support and promote success of our students. Woody chatbot by Ocelot is a tool for our current students to engage with Century College for information, resources, and support. Just type in a question and receive answers and resources instantly!

The Century College App

The Century app is the ultimate student toolkit to help you stay connected and make the most of your time at Century College. Check class schedules, class assignment due dates, and connect with your classmates. You can also access campus events (on-campus and virtual), connect with clubs and organizations, and peer-to-peer chat.

Other features include:

  • Quick links to campus resources: Library, Bookstore, College support services
  • Schedule meetings using Starfish
  • Connect to D2L Brightspace, eServices, and myCentury
  • Important Century information via push notifications
  • Campus Maps and Campus Directory
  • Set your own schedule to make sure you don’t miss any critical dates or events

And much more!

Wood Duck Weekly 

This email is sent weekly to your Century College email account. It has announcements, events, and any department hours that have been adjusted. Make sure you peruse it every week so to not miss all of the opportunities to take advantage of at Century College.

Admission Services

The office of Admissions and New Student Services, located in room 2303, West Campus, serves prospective students as well as students preparing for their first semester of enrollment at Century. The office provides services pertaining to applications for admission, international students, high school student enrollment, and applications for programs requiring supplemental admission materials. For more information, please visit the Admissions website.

myCentury Student Portal System/Email

Century College utilizes many forms of communication for official College business such as the U.S. Postal Service, telephone, email, and the Internet. Official College business includes all actions of the College, including but not limited to providing general information, course information, disciplinary notice, and performing other administrative functions of the college.

Email is the primary means by which the College communicates important information with students; as such, the College has provided an email account to every student. The Century address is the only email address the College will maintain and use to communicate to students. Vital college communications are sent to students via their Century email addresses on a regular basis. Students are held responsible for the information communicated via email.

By activating your myCentury account you will gain access to college computers, software, and printers. From the myCentury Portal you will be able to check your email, manage your personal or shared files on the network, access Library resources, and numerous other services.

The College encourages all students to activate their account upon admission and to check it often. The account is free. To activate your myCentury account you will need your Star ID and Password. Go to Century’s website and look for and click on Login in the upper right hand corner and select myCentury. To sign into myCentury, please enter your StarID and StarID password.

Advising, Counseling, and Career Services

Academic Advising

Advisors/counselors are available to support students in their success throughout their experience at Century College. This includes assisting students with program selection, academic planning, course registration, and transfer planning. Additionally, advisors/counselors can help students address concerns and receive referrals to other campus and community services. It is encouraged that students meet with their advisor/counselor at least once per semester.

Students are assigned an advisor/counselor based on the Academic Pathway of their major. New students are typically assigned an advisor/counselor after the first two weeks of the semester. If students change their major, they may be reassigned to another advisor/counselor in a different pathway.

Students can find the contact information for and make an appointment with their assigned advisor/counselor by visiting myCentury and clicking on the Starfish tile. For more information or to contact the Advising, Counseling, and Career Center, please visit our webpage or visit us on campus in W2410 or at our East Campus location in E2561.

Preparation for Transfer

Many students have goals to transfer and continue their education after completing their program at Century College. There are many tools and resources available to help students plan for a successful transfer including:

For help with transfer planning or more information please contact the Advising, Counseling, and Career Center.

Personal Counseling

Personal counseling gives you the opportunity to enhance your emotional and social development while at Century. Professional counselors facilitate student growth through a supportive environment in which students can express themselves freely and confidentially. You can discuss and explore areas of concern that may interfere with academic success, such as:

  • College and Life Transition
  • Mental health
  • Basic Needs/Financial emergency assistance
  • Test anxiety
  • Time management 
  • Stress management
  • Relationship 
  • Identity
  • Veteran Reintegration
  • Alcohol and substance use issues 

Through the counseling experience, counselors can help you broaden your personal perspectives, gain insights, challenge biases, and develop a sense of purpose consistent with your own values and goals. This may be done in various modalities such as individual appointments, groups, workshops, and classroom presentations, both in-person and virtual. We also are available for student, faculty and staff consultation.

Students in crisis are encouraged to contact the Advising, Counseling, & Career Center (room 2410 West Campus) at acc@century.edu or 651.779.3285 to meet with a counselor for immediate short-term counseling. Referrals to community agencies will be made when long-term counseling is needed.

Appointments with their assigned counselor can also be made through Starfish in MyCentury.

For more information or to contact us, please visit the Personal Counseling Services website

Career Counseling

Century’s counselors are here to assist you in your career decision-making. Interest and personality inventories are tools to help you identify your interests, abilities, values, learning, and work styles. Counselors will help you use the information to explore and identify educational and career options. This is offered in various modalities such as individual appointments, groups, workshops, and classroom presentations, both in-person and virtual. We also are available for student, faculty and staff consultation.

Encouragement is given to establish and achieve your life and career goals.

Student can make an appointment with their assigned counselor through Starfish in MyCentury.

For more information or to contact us, please visit the Career Counseling Services website.

Career Services


Career Services is here to help you prepare as you seek employment and internship experiences through resume development, interview preparation, professional development, and employer connection opportunities along with our job board: Handshake.


Find internships, part-time, and full-time opportunities using the Century Job Board: Handshake. Upload your resume for review and then share with employers in your profile. Keep track of opportunities in your career field and match your skills. Find helpful resume writing and job search tips, along with career articles and industry trends. Learn about upcoming Career Services events such as Employer Presentations and Networking Opportunities.

Learn more by visiting Career Services W2420 or contacting Career Services.


We work with students one to one regarding resume development, cover letter writing and interview skills. We want to support you as you begin to apply for opportunities and help you learn how to best present your experience, skills, and knowledge to a potential employer. To schedule an appointment, please contact Career Services.

One to One Support

We work with students one to one regarding resume construction, cover letter writing and interview skills. We want to support you as you begin to apply for opportunities and help you learn how to best present your experience, skills and knowledge to a potential  employer. To schedule an appointment, please contact Career Services.


Career Services offers a variety of opportunities for you to develop job success skills, job search preparedness, opportunities to engage with employers, and experience professional development. We offer Job and Volunteer Service Fairs, Skill Workshops, Etiquette/Networking Events and other opportunities throughout the year.

For more information, please visit the Career Services website.

uAchieve Degree Audit and Transferology 

uAchieve Degree Audit

The uAchieve degree audit is part of Century’s commitment to academic advising for students. A Degree Audit report is an electronic summary of a student’s academic progress toward completion of a degree or program.

Students may run their own degree audit report anytime through Century’s e-Services. A Degree Audit report indicates requirements that have already been completed, requirements that remain unsatisfied, and how transfer courses fulfill requirements. The report offers suggestions for appropriate courses that may be taken to meet specific requirements and is particularly helpful when meeting with counselors and academic advisors.

Transferology/Will My Courses Transfer?

Students who have completed courses in higher education want to know which colleges and universities will accept those courses and apply them to a degree. Transferology will provide quick answers from hundreds of institutions in a streamlined and dynamic interface.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) 

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and International Student Advisor

The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and International Student Advisor is available to help any non-native speaker of English at Century College, even if they have never taken ESOL classes. For more information call 651.747.4087.

ESOL Center

The ESOL Center is located in W3220-3222 and is open to all students learning the English language. The center includes a regular computer lab in W3222 for practicing grammar, pronunciation, and word processing. There is also a smaller study room (W3224) behind the computer lab for group projects and small group discussions or if you just need some private space to work alone. Lab assistants, teachers, and student workers can provide academic support for ESOL classes and the lab assistant and student workers are also available to help students connect to appropriate resources in the College, such as multicultural activities, financial aid, and other departments on campus. For more information, please visit the Academic Support website.


e-Services is an online service for students to review all their student service information such as course registration, grades, financial aid, student bills and update your contact information. You will log into your personal account using e-Services to access your specific information (which is the same information college student services personnel view). You should be very familiar with this site as it contains valuable information on you.

Dashboard gives you a quick summary view of critical information.

Account Management allows you to update your personal and log in information.

Courses & Registration allows you to find courses, register for courses, view your course cart in Review My Plan, view/modify your class schedule, check registration holds, view your registration window (when can you register for classes), and view your registration log (when did you take action on registration activity).

Grades and Transcripts allows you to check your grades, view your academic record, or run a Degree Audit. 

Financial Aid allows you to view your financial aid status, if additional information is needed; notice of financial aid eligibility; awards by credit level (how much aid based on enrolled credits); and loans (request loan funds and complete needed, Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling, monitor status of loans).

Bills and Payment shows your account detail (your college bill), make payments, prepayments, your payment plan and get your year end 1098-T tax form.

Student Employment shows your earnings by pay period and allows you access to your year end W-2 Tax Form

Financial Aid for Students

The Financial Aid Office located in room 2201 west campus assists students in applying for and receiving financial aid to help pay the cost of education. The Financial Aid website contains a wealth of information about application procedures and links to many non-Century sites to make the search for financing easier. 

Application Process

When to Apply:

Student should apply for financial aid after October 1 for the following academic year. Students are encouraged to apply early and MUST APPLY ANNUALLY.

How to Apply:

To determine eligibility for grants, loans, and student employment, students are required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have the results sent to Century College. The Federal Code to release FAFSA results to Century College is 010546.

A signature is required to complete the FAFSA and can be signed electronically provided the student (and parent of a dependent student) has a Federal Student Aid ID. To apply for a FSAID, visit fsaid.ed.gov.


What to Expect After Applying:

After the FAFSA is completed online and an email address was provided, the student will receive an email in a few days with a secure link to the Student Aid Report (SAR) on the Web. Review the SAR as it is the product of your FAFSA application and contains eligibility information. The SAR will not tell you what your financial aid award is but will tell you important information about the EFC (expected family contribution) used to calculate your award, the colleges that you chose to release the information to, and/or if more information is needed to compile your award.

Additional Information/Verification

Students may be required to submit additional documents to complete the financial aid application such as tax transcripts and citizenship status information. The Financial Aid Office will contact you for more information if necessary. Failure to respond will result in a delay in determining what financial aid you may be eligible to receive.

Award Notice

The College will determine award eligibility after all documents are recieved and processed. The student will receive an email with instructions on how to access their award notice online. Students can access application and award information through Century’s e-Services .

Important Note: Receiving the Award Notice is not necessarily the last step for receiving financial aid. Additional steps are required for both student loans and student employment.

Financial Aid Policies

Financial Aid for Summer

Students may be able to utilize financial aid for summer provided the eligibility has not been used for the preceding academic year. Students who have a complete financial aid application and have registered for summer classes will receive a financial aid award for summer for any eligibility that may exist.

Students must be registered for at least 6 credits to be eligible for a student loan.  Students must be registered for at least 1 credit to be eligible to receive student employment.

Financial Aid for Developmental/Coursework

Students who are eligible for federal financial aid (Pell Grants and SEOG Grants and Direct Student Loans) can receive financial aid for up to 30 credits of developmental coursework. Developmental/remedial courses are numbered below the 100 level (i.e. MATH 0030 RDNG 0940  ). If you have received financial aid for 30 such credits and enroll in additional developmental/remedial credits, you will not receive federal financial aid for those credits.

Withdrawal from College/Return of Title IV Funds

If a student completely withdraws from all credits (either officially or unofficially) in a term before the 60% point of that term, the financial aid disbursed is subject to the federal and State “Return of Title IV” policy. Students earn financial aid in proportion to the time they are enrolled up to the 60% point. The unearned share of financial aid is returned to the programs from which they were paid as prescribed by federal and state regulations. The student will be required to repay all unearned financial aid. Students also may need to repay a portion of financial aid they received if courses are not completed satisfactorily. Please contact the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing if you have any questions regarding your possible repayment obligation.

Changes in Enrollment (Add/Drop/Withdraw)

When you change your enrollment (add/drop/withdraw), your financial aid eligibility may change. The financial aid source and the date of your drop or withdrawal has an impact on the change of financial aid. Contact the Financial Aid Office if you have questions.

Late Start Classes:

If you drop a late start class before it begins and have been paid financial aid for your enrollment in the class, the Financial Aid Office will recalculate your eligibility and you may have to refund all or part of the financial aid for the term.

Pell Grant Recipients: Federal regulations require colleges to establish a Pell Grant lock date to determine the courses that are counted toward a student’s Pell Grant eligibility. Century College has established the 10th day of class as the lock date. Financial aid disbursements then begin on the 11th day of class based on your lock date enrollment.

Dropped courses that are eligible for a tuition refund will have Pell Grant eligibility reduced to the new credit level.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Summary:

The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid requires that a student maintain acceptable academic standards in the pursuit of their chosen degree, diploma, or certificate. The student is required to maintain, at a minimum:

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.0, and,
  • Completion rate of 66.67% of credits attempted, and
  • Have not reached or exceeded 150% of the maximum credits needed to attain the chosen academic goal (including transfer credits).

The complete policy and appeal process can be found on the Financial Aid Policies webpage.

The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid differs from the College’s Standard for Academic Progress. It is possible to be suspended from financial aid and not be suspended from the College. Students can appeal their suspension.

Sources of Financial Aid

Federal Pell Grant:

Available to undergraduates only and does not need to be repaid and is available for up to twelve semesters of full time attendance.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG):

The SEOG is a grant for exceptional need students but has limited availability. The Financial Aid Office determines eligibility on a first-come, first-served basis.

Minnesota State Grant:

State grant assistance for Minnesota residents who have not exceeded four years of enrollment past high school.

On-Campus Employment:

Part-time employment positions are available for qualified students from either the Federal or Minnesota State Workstudy Programs. Job openings are posted online.

Federal Direct Loan Programs:

A low interest loan program is available under the Subsidized or Unsubsidized Direct Loan Programs. Students must be enrolled for at least six credits to apply for and receive these student loans. First year students can borrow up to $5500 and second year students (after earning 30 credits) are eligible for $6500.

LOAN PRORATION: A Federal Direct Loan borrower is subject to certain prorated loan limits if the student is enrolled in a program of study that is less than 30 credits. Loan limits must also be prorated if the program’s duration is equal to or longer than 30 credits but the borrower is completing the remainder of the program in a period of enrollment that is shorter than an academic year such as with a fall term graduation.

For information or to contact us, please visit the Financial Aid website.

Century College Scholarships

Each year the Century College Foundation offers and awards more than 100 scholarships annually and awards over $300,000 to Century College students each year.

The scholarship application window will be open in multiple rounds. The first round will be for all current Century students and the scholarship application is open from January to April. The second round will be from end of April into June, and will be focused on new and incoming students. A third round of scholarship opportunities is open from late October until late November for Spring only awards.  Please check out the Scholarships website for more information regarding dates.

Students must apply online for a Century College Scholarship and must provide a copy of an unofficial transcript/academic record, and one or more letters of recommendation. Students are no longer required to submit a personal essay and instead will be required to respond to 4 questions.

Student Health Clinic

Student Health Clinic

The Student Health Clinic is located on East Campus in room 2232, and is staffed by registered nurses. The clinic is open Monday through Friday from 8am - 2pm with walk-ins welcome. The doctor is available two Wednesdays per month. Clinic services are confidential and free of charge. No information is released to anyone or any place without a signed release form by the patient. To speak to a nurse or set up an appointment, contact the Student Health Clinic. Services available at no charge are:

  • Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco use assessment and Referral
  • Blood Pressure Checks
  • Crisis Management & Referral
  • Education Resources
  • First Aid
  • Health Education Resources
  • Over-the-Counter Medications
  • Lactation Support
  • Light Therapy Lamp
  • Mental Health Counseling and Referrals
  • Personal Safety Concerns
  • Pregnancy Counseling
  • Pregnancy Tests
  • Condoms
  • Program Required Physical Exams
  • Food and/or Nutrition Concerns Referrals
  • Medical and Dental Care Referrals
  • Reproductive Health Contraception, Counseling, and Referral
  • Special Needs Assistance
  • Sex Equity issues
  • Stress, Anxiety, Depression Management Help
  • Student Insurance Information
  • Triage Nursing
  • Wound Care
  • Tuberculin Skin Tests* (Requires a small fee)

The Minnesota College Immunization Law

(Minnesota Statutes Section 135A.014)

Since the fall of 1991 there has been a state mandate for college students to have documentation of up-to-date immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella, with the exception of students who graduated from a Minnesota high school in 1997 or later.

The newest amendment extends this law to provide education about viral hepatitis, including information about the hepatitis A and B vaccines. For more information, please visit the Student Health Clinic website.

Records and Registration Office

The Records Office, located in room 2220 west campus, provides services pertaining to student schedules, veteran certifications, registration, grade changes, withdrawals, residency, change of programs, address and name changes, graduation confirmation, evaluation of academic progress, and academic transcript requests. For enrollment verification/certification use the myCentury Student Portal. Please see website for Records forms. Note: All students are responsible for keeping address and phone number information current with the Records Office.

Transcript Service: Transcripts are sent at the request of the student online through Parchment, with a designated fee of $8.00 per transcript. Transcripts will NOT be faxed. There is additional fees for an paper mailed, overnight express and international transcripts.

Note: NE Metro transcripts cannot be done as a rush. Contact Records and Registration. The college follows the Student Privacy Act. See the Student Handbook  for student privacy information.

Voters Registration Forms are available at the Records Office. Complete information regarding voting and downloadable forms is available on the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State website.

For more information, please visit the Records/Registration Office website.

Access Center 

Access Center

The Access Center is a Student Services office, which provides accommodation, advocacy, support and referral information for students with documented conditions such as physical, mental health, or learning disabilities. Based on the individual needs of the students, services may include, but are not limited to, test-taking accommodations and note-taking software.

The Access Center ensures the rights of students with disabilities and assists Century College in meeting its obligations under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L.93-112, Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The center’s commitment is to remove educational, programmatic, and attitudinal barriers, allowing students with disabilities equal access and opportunity to participate fully in Century College’s programs and activities. This is made possible by the provision and arrangement of reasonable accommodations on a campus-wide level.

If you are a student who is seeking accommodations and services for the first time, you may visit our website Access Center to apply and submit documentation securely. Once the application has been submitted, Access Center staff will contact you within 2-3 business days via your Century College email regarding your next steps which include an Intake appointment.

If you are a student currently registered with the Access Center, you may visit our website Access Center to log into your AIM account to request your accommodations. Students need to request their accommodations each semester they require them.  

For additional assistance, students may contact the Access Center by email access.center@century.edu, by phone 651-773-1745, or by stopping by the office, West Campus Room 2440, during business hours.

TRIO Programs

TRIO programs, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, assist selected students in their pursuit of and persistence with postsecondary educational goals. Participating students must possess academic potential, yet demonstrate a need for academic support.

Four Century College TRIO programs serve participants who are from low income families or are first-generation to complete college. Student Support Services-Traditional and Student Support Services- Veterans are designed to serve enrolled Century students, while Upward Bound and Educational Talent Search are targeted toward middle and high school youth who are college-bound.

Student Support Services - Traditional and Veterans

The Student Support Services -Traditional program (206 participants) and the Student Support Services-Veterans program (120 participants) serve enrolled Century students who are seeking a degree and/or intend to transfer into a bachelor degree program. The  programs seek to enhance academic skills among its participants and increase their retention and graduation rates through tutoring, academic support, and personal enrichment activities. Students must meet eligibility for one of the following: family income, parent education, and/or documented disability. 

Upward Bound

Upward Bound seeks to develop the skills and motivation necessary for its participants to successfully complete high school and prepare for a college education. Century College’s Upward Bound program serves 140 students at Como Park High, Harding High, Johnson High, and North High Schools. Students receive a variety of services that include; after-school tutoring, academic advising, ACT prep, college admission assistance, Saturday sessions, and a six-week academic summer program. 

Educational Talent Search

Educational Talent Search program promotes education for individuals in grades 6-12, by encouraging students to graduate from high school and assists them in enrolling in and completing a postsecondary education at a college of their choice. The 636 participants receive information and support in academic, career, and college planning, and are encouraged to remain focused on personal goals. Program staff provides services at five secondary locations in the St. Paul Public Schools. 

For more information regarding the TRIO programs, please visit the TRIO at Century College website.

Resource Centers

Information Technology - Student Open Computer Centers

The Information Technology Solutions (ITS) team provides two student open computer centers (room 3165 west campus and room 1800 east campus) which provide computer access and support services to all registered Century students. The centers provide support for college courses and offer both Windows and Macintosh computers and many other technology tools and services. Staff members are available to provide assistance in the use of the computer equipment. If the college is open, one of our student computer centers will be open to provide you access to technology tools and expert support-learn more about our computer centers online.  Additionally, the ITS team offers anytime, anywhere, any device access to campus software virtually - more information available online.

Language Laboratory

Located in room 1190 west campus, the Language Laboratory provides opportunities for language students to converse with native speakers and/or tutors In Spanish and Chinese. The Language Laboratory also supports noncredit activities for college members interested in various language conversation groups and/or participating in the Spanish, Chinese, and Intercultural Clubs.

For more information, please visit the Academic Support website

LGBTQ Center

The LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) Center located in room 1216 west campus is a safe space for students of all gender identities and sexual orientations. There are resources available about a wide variety of topics which impact our LGBTQ students and their families. We have several programs each semester including the Spring Drag Show, Trans 101 workshops, and other trainings. It is both a programming space and a space to just hang out and talk about issues surrounding sexuality, gender, and identity.

For more information, please go to the LGBTQ Center website.


Successful student research begins at the Library. Century Library has a knowledgeable staff who provide assistance and support to students in person and online. It has a print and online collection that includes thousands of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, audio, and video recordings. Online resources are available on or off campus. Off campus access requires a StarID and password. To check out physical materials, students must have a Century College photo ID, which serves as their library card. Materials that are not in the library collection can be borrowed from other libraries through interlibrary loan. The library has PCs, photocopiers/scanners, faxing service, and reservable study rooms along with many other resources, and the Student Computer Center and Help Desk are located in the library. Students can get assistance with technology issues and check out laptops for home use. The Library Commons and Student Computer Center is located on the first floor of the Science/Library building on the East Campus. Find your library online at: www.century.edu/academics/library.

Mathematics Resource Center

The Mathematics Resource Center, located in room 3315 west campus, is available for all students enrolled in mathematics courses at Century College. The Center is staffed by two professional assistants and several student tutors. Students are welcome to come for assistance with their course, for a quiet place to study mathematics, and to use the computers, textbooks, and other resources that are available.  The Center also extends its services to schedule synchronous online tutoring. The Mathematics Department encourages students to use this resource as an extension of the classroom. 

For more information, please visit the Academic Support website

Multicultural Student Center

The Multicultural Center, located in west campus room 1220, provides a comfortable place where students can network, study, lounge, and meet with staff for student support services. To create and foster an inclusive environment the center also provides multicultural programming, sponsors guest lecturers, and nurture student leadership.The team members of the center are dedicated to promoting a campus environment that embraces multiculturalism, celebrates diversity, and enriches the campus experience for students.

For more information, please visit the Multicultural Center website.

Peer Tutoring and Online Tutoring

Peer Tutoring provides one-on-one free tutoring support to all Century College students by Century College students. Tutors are available for a variety of courses. Peer Tutoring is located in the West Academic Support Center W2460, the East Academic Support Center E2541, and virtually over Zoom.

Tutor.com provides FREE 24/7 online tutoring for most subjects to all students enrolled in Century College classes for credit. To access Tutor.com, visit your D2L Brightspace course page, select Resources, and then Tutoring from Tutor.com.

For more information, please visit the Academic Support website

Reading and Student Success Center

The Reading & Student Success Center is located in room 3250 on west campus. The Center is open to ALL Century College students. Staff can help students understand course material using effective reading, writing and study skill strategies. Computers and printers are available as well as quiet study space and a contemporary reading collection. The professional staff and qualified student workers are available on a drop-in basis, or by virtual or in person appointments. Students can schedule appointments at century.mywconline.com

Resource & Support Center

The Resource & Support Center located in Room W1490 provides connections with community resources to help students succeed in and outside of the classroom with the following resources and more:

  • Campus Food Pantry and Community Food Assistance 
  • Child Care Resources 
  • Financial Assistance and Free Tax Preparation Information
  • Health Services and Insurance Information
  • Housing Information
  • Legal Assistance Information
  • Help Applying for Scholarship
  • Transportation Resources

Lactation rooms are available on East Campus (E2232 and E2231) and West Campus (W1203 and W1067). Diaper Changing Stations are located in these restrooms: W2010 (near the Financial Aid Office), W3146 and W3147 (near the Computer Center), E1804 and E1802 (near the library), E2777 and E2778 (near the Fab Lab and Link 6 classrooms), and E2604 and E2060 (near the east cafeteria).

This is a child-friendly space. For more information, please check out the Resource and Support Center web page for business hours, events, and list of resources.

Veterans Services

Century College Veterans Services is located in room 1217 west campus. Century College is approved by the Veterans Administration to certify all military education benefits. Veterans Services’ mission is to help military-connected students achieve their academic and professional goals by providing individualized assistance regarding military education benefits and other resources available to them.  

The Veterans Resource Center is a place where veterans can study, socialize, and network. In addition, students can connect with the North Metro Regional Coordinator from the Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs who regularly meets with students in the center.

For more information, please visit the Veterans website.

Writing Center

The Century College Writing Center, located in room 3280 on the west campus, is an encouraging environment where writers from all disciplines come together for mutual support and assistance with invention, drafting, revision, and editing. The Writing Center staff is available to answer questions and provide assistance at any point during the writing process. Computers, reference materials, and grammar exercises are just a few of the resources available in the Writing Center. All Century College students are welcome. Students can schedule appointments at century.mywconline.com

For more information, please visit the Academic Support website.


Bus Service

Metro Transit buses stop at both the east and west campuses and provide connecting service to Maplewood Mall and downtown St. Paul. Discounted bus passes are available for purchase at the campus bookstore.


Parking is available on campus for students, college staff members, and visitors. Parking regulations are in effect 24 hours every day and are enforced by Public Safety, the White Bear Lake Police Department and Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Since the college is located on state property, police can tag cars with expired registration. 

Additional Services


The Century College Bookstore is located on the West Campus first floor in room 1320 (next to the student game room).  The bookstore doesn’t just sell textbooks, but also offers students the ability to purchase study aids, school supplies, laptops & tablets, apparel, and more on campus and online through the Century College Bookstore website.  The bookstore offers flat-rate shipping for online orders as well as two pick-up locations - in-store on west campus and on east campus through our automated locker system located just outside the library entrance. 

Don’t forget: students are able and encouraged to use their financial aid to purchase their textbooks, a new laptop, and supplies.  Please note, financial aid is only available the first two weeks of every semester - including Summer! 

Twice a year the bookstore hosts an in-person buyback for textbooks during Fall and Spring finals weeks and an online buyback all year round through a link on the bookstore website. For more information, please visit the bookstore’s FAQ page.

Business Office

The Business Office located in room 2340 west campus, processes payments and distribution of financial aid, grants, loans, and scholarships though BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Students may pay their tuition and fees online, via mail, or in person at the Business Office. For more information, call 651.779.3278.

Public Safety

The Deparment of Public Safety provides the following services:

  • StarAlert, a text and e-mail messaging service the college uses in the event of campus closures or delays during emergency events. Everyone is automatically enrolled into the StarAlert system. You will have the ability to opt-out. For more information about StarAlert, please visit the Public Safety website.

  • The Department of Public Safety will provide an escort service, particularly during hours of darkness, for persons walking to their vehicle. Contact the Department of Public Safety at 651-747- 4000 to request an escort.

In an emergency situation, always call 911 first.

Call 651.747.4000 (or ext. 4000 from a campus phone). Century’s Public Safety staff respond to all calls for assistance.

Call 911 for an emergency situation. Identifiy your location correctly because the east and west campus are in two different cities. Notify the Public Safety office as soon as possible after placing a 911 call. If using a campus phone, dial 9-911.

For more information, please visit the Public Safety website.

Food Service

Century College provides quality fresh-made and locally pre-packaged food service for students and staff. Entrees, sandwiches, salads, snacks and drinks are available every day that courses are in session. Vending machines are available at all times. For more information, please visit the Food Options website

Housing and Transportation Information

Information about Housing and Transportation can be located in the Resource Center, room 2450 on west campus. For more information, please visit the Resource and Support Center website.


West Campus: lockers are located in various areas around the west campus. They are currently available on a first come, first serve basis for students.

East Campus: lockers are available from program advisors free of charge. Students are responsible for providing their own lock.

Lost and Found

Inquiries pertaining to lost and found articles should be made at the Bookstore in room 1320 west campus or the Public Safety office in room 1411 east campus.