POLS 1035 - Constitutional Law Credits: 3 Hours/Week: Lecture None Lab None Course Description: This course examines the development of constitutional principles, judicial review, commerce powers, executive action, civil rights and liberties, and the pivotal role of the U.S. Supreme Court in maintaining the checks and balances of our Federal system of government. This course is intended for all students, and it is of special interest for students interested in government and political science. MnTC Goals 5 History/Social/Behavioral Science, 9 Ethical/Civic Responsibility
Prerequisite(s): None Corequisite(s): None Recommendation: None
Major Content
- Institutional and Interpretive Foundations
- The Supreme Court
- Interpreting the Constitution
- Intergovernmental Powers
- Judicial Power
- Congressional Power
- Executive Power and Foreign Affairs
- Individual Liberties
- The Bill of Rights
- Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Criminal Procedure and Due Process
- Equal Protection and Racial Discrimination
- Gender Discrimination and Other Claims to Equity
- Individual Privacy
- Current Constitutional Cases and Controversies
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to:
- describe the powers granted to Federal and State governments in the Constitution.
- analyze the liberties granted to individuals in the Constitution.
- demonstrate an understanding of current constitutional issues.
- compare and contrast the various methods and standards utilized by the Supreme Court when deciding constitutional issues
- prepare case briefs of historically significant Supreme Court cases.
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC): Goals and Competencies Competency Goals (MnTC Goals 1-6) 05. 01. Employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
05. 02. Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.
05. 03. Use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories. Theme Goals (MnTC Goals 7-10) 09. 01. Examine, articulate, and apply their own ethical views.
09. 02. Understand and apply core concepts (e.g. politics, rights and obligations, justice, liberty) to specific issues.
09. 04. Recognize the diversity of political motivations and interests of others.
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