Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 Course Catalog 
2023-2024 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Engineering Broad Field, Specialty Area: Geological Engineering, AS

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Total Credits: 60

Major Number: 5900
CIP Code: 14.0102

Program Description

The Associate of Science Degree in Engineering Broad Field Degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a baccalaureate degree program in one of the following engineering fields: aerospace, biomedical, bioproducts & biosystems, chemical, civil, composite materials, computer, electrical, geological, material, mechanical, manufacturing, and general engineering. This program includes the courses usually required in the first two years of a baccalaureate engineering curriculum. Students are urged to acquaint themselves with the requirements of the major department in the college or university where they plan to transfer, and to consult with the Century Advising, Counseling & Career Center for assistance in planning their program and selecting electives. Transfer information is available on century.edu for many engineering fields and engineering transfer institutions.

Program Prerequisites


Special Instructions

Requirement details are listed on this program guide.  They include:

Required Core Courses:  These courses are common to all engineering majors in all four-year programs.

Required Specialty Courses:  These courses are required for specific engineering majors.  They are common to many engineering programs, but were chosen to meet the requirements for the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota in particular.

Required General Education/MNTC Courses:  These courses were chosen to satisfy the general education requirements for an Associate of Science and to partially satisfy the liberal education requirements at the University of Minnesota. You should select courses that meet both Century MNTC and U of M Lib. Ed. requirements efficiently.  For transfer to a different engineering program, you should select courses that also meet requirements at your chosen transfer institution.  The remaining general education requirements at the four year institution can be completed during the junior and senior years.  See a Century College advisor, counselor, instructor, or transfer advisor at the college of your choice for more information and planning assistance.

To complete the AS in Engineering at Century students must:

  1. Select an engineering specialty, such as Civil, Chemical, or Mechanical.
  2. Determine the four-year college or university to which you plan to transfer.  Check the website and transfer guide for that institution.
  3. Develop a plan for coursework that includes:
    1. Required Core Courses
    2. Required General Education courses from the MnTC list that also satisfy requirements at your chosen transfer institution
    3. Courses for one engineering specialty, and
    4. A total of at least 60 credits.
  4. Apply to graduate during your final semester at Century.

Completion of this degree does not guarantee admission to a particular engineering program; many engineering programs have minimum grade point average requirements for admission.

Program Requirements

Total Credits: 10

Career/Occupational Elective Requirements

If all courses listed are completed, total may exceed 20 credits.

Total Credits: 20

MnTC/General Education Requirements

Goal 1: Communication

Total Credits: 4

Goal 2: Critical Thinking

Fulfilled when all MnTC goals for this degree are complete.

Total Credits: 20

Goal 5: History/Social/Behavioral Sciences

Select one course common to both the MnTC course list and the U of M Liberal Education transfer guide or other transfer college of choice.

Total Credits: 3

Goal 6: Humanities/Fine Arts

Select one course common to both the MnTC course list and the U of M Liberal Education transfer guide or other transfer college of choice.

Total Credits: 3

Goals 7-10: Theme Goals

Three credits in each of two Goal areas selected from Goals 7, 8, 9 or 10 are required. Many courses from Goals 1-6 also meet Goals 7-10. One course may fulfill a maximum of two Goals. Credits count only once.

Goal 7: Human Diversity

Goal 8: Global Perspectives

Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility

Goal 10: People and the Environment

Total Credits: 30

MnTC Elective Requirements


Additional Elective Requirements


Program Information

General Requirements for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates

See Century College Policy

Program Note


Transfer, Articulation Agreements, and Partnerships

See the Century College website for information regarding transfer.
This degree program is designed for both employment preparation and transfer. Some of the courses may not transfer to a number of four-year colleges.  If you are considering the possibility of transfer, you may wish to talk with your advisor, counselor, or program instructor before registering to discuss your goals, look at programs designed for transfer, and develop a plan. Articulation agreements exist with Minnesota State University-Mankato College of Science, Engineering, and Technology, St. Cloud State University, and the University of Minnesota - College of Science and Engineering, and Winona State University.

Program Learning Outcomes

At the end of this program students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate proficiency in the ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
  • Demonstrate proficiency using tools, instruments, and testing devices.
  • Demonstrate ability to apply knowledge of math, engineering, and science.
  • Collaborate in teams and utilize methods of scientific inquiry.

Program Contact Information

Megan Jaunich  651.748.5329 Room 2843 East

Sample Plan

Please note that this is a sample course sequence. Individual schedules will vary depending upon student needs, goals, and availability. Students are recommended to meet with their advisor, counselor, or faculty program instructors to create an individualized plan that includes prerequisites and application requirements. For detailed program information see the Century College website. This information is subject to change.

Semester 1

Total Credits: 15

Semester 2

Total Credits: 16

Semester 3

Total Credits: 15

Semester 4

Total Credits: 14


This information is subject to change. Changes and updates are posted on century.edu

Century College is a member of Minnesota State. We are an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator.
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